Back in the many years ago, one of the many outrageous things about Donald Trump — this crazy man who would NEVER be president! — was that he was always being racist, particularly toward everybody whose skin color is darker than “diarrhea orange.”
There was a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who presided over one of the lawsuits against Trump’s fake scam Trump University. He was born in Indiana, but that didn’t change the fact that for Trump, he was but one thing, and that was Mexican, therefore he couldn’t possibly be fair to Trump, because Trump was building a wall, OK?
“This judge is giving us unfair rulings. Now, I say why? Well, I’m building a wall, OK? And it’s a wall between Mexico. Not another country.” Trump said this about a thousand times to Jake Tapper in 2016, in that babbling way he does. “He’s of Mexican heritage and he’s very proud of it.”
“Jake, are you ready? I have a case that should have already been dismissed,” Trump also said. “I’ve had lawyers come up to me and say, you are being treated so unfairly. It’s unbelievable.”
That sounds exactly like Trump standing outside the courtroom in 2024 with the stack of emotional support articles the hired blonde lady prints out to make him feel less violently self-loathing, so why wouldn’t his racist attacks on THIS judge with a Hispanic-sounding name ALSO sound pretty much the same?
Yes, it is 2024 and we remain in the hell of 2016 somehow.
Standing outside the New York courtroom after his defense rested yesterday — yes, with his emotional support Fox News articles or whatever — Trump said:
TRUMP: The judge hates Donald Trump. Just take a look. Take a look at him. Take a look at where he comes from. He can’t stand Donald Trump.
Where he comes from.
Old pigfuck bridge-and-tunnel racists like Trump are always so subtle.
Where he comes from.
That was Trump saying an aside, while he took a break from reading one of his emotional support Gregg Jarrett articles. Take a look at where he comes from!
As it happens, where the judge comes from is Bogotá, Colombia, until he was six, whereupon his family moved to Queens, the same borough where little Donald Trump told his first lies and shitted his first pants. He went to college at Baruch College, and law school at Hofstra University.
Where he comes from.
It’s been pointed out that Trump’s fangirl Judge Aileen Cannon was also born in Colombia, but something tells us he won’t be doing this particular racism against her.
Maybe he’ll instead say excitedly, “Look at my Colombian!” the way he said “Look at my African-American” about that one Black guy who supported him.
Or maybe he’ll just magically be able to keep his insolent fucking mouth shut about that judge, since she appears to think she’s on his defense team.
[video via Acyn]
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I know this is to some degree a cop-out, but until the threat of Donald Trump to my country, my species, my PLANET, is neutralized.. I just can't leave survival mode. I can get through the day, day after day, but I can't make solid plans for the future with any kind of hope or positivity until I know he is never going to wield significant power again. Yes, there are others lined up to take his place, but I think once he finally goes down they'll at least retreat to the shadows for a little while, maybe. I'll just keep getting through the day until then.
Surely this was just "racially-tinged" or, as some are saying, "racially-scented"? Can we really go so far as to call him "racist" when all we have to judge him on are his words and deeds?