Trump Will Be SO MAD When He Finds Out Allen Weisselberg Lied In Court For Him
Donald Trump's New York civil fraud case was going great before this.
Bad apples everywhere, none of them Donald Trump!
Yesterday, the DC Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that Donald Trump can be prosecuted for trying to overthrow America because he was mad he lost the election. He doesn’t even have permanent immunity for all the crimes he committed in office.
Bad apples, all those judges, and bad apples, American elections!
Then yesterday, it was reported that New York Judge Arthur Engoron — the baddest of the RIGGED and STOLLEN apples! — had fired off a quick but important letter to Trump’s dipshit lawyers and, you know, just everybody involved in the civil fraud case where it’s long been proven that Trump’s companies frauded and lied and frauded and lied some more.
The letter said it had come to Engoron’s attention that Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg — he who’s already gone to prison for Trump once — was negotiating with the Manhattan DA to plead guilty to lying under oath during the civil fraud trial, again for Trump, in Engoron’s courtroom. It was in the newspaper. He’d also have to admit he lied to New York Attorney General Letitia James’s office.
It’s not that he’s flipping on Trump.
It’s just … well, let Judge Engoron explain!
As the presiding magistrate, the trier of fact, and the judge of credibility, I of course want to know whether Mr. Weisselberg is now changing his tune, and whether he is admitting he lied under oath in my courtroom at this trial.
He’s just asking.
Although the Times article focuses on the size of the Trump Tower Penthouse, his testimony on other topics could also be called into question. I also may use this as a basis to invoke falsus in uno.
Falsus in uno is some Latin that is short for Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
Some people translate this legal expression as “Fool me once, can’t get fooled again!”
Others might translate it as “Well, Becky, if you lied about staying at Carol’s last night when you were really out necking with your whore boyfriend Augie, how can I trust anything else you say? I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.”
Those translations are acceptable on any law school pop quiz where the teacher is cool, but if it’s not obvious yet, it means he might consider 100 percent of Weisselberg’s testimony to be bullshit and rule accordingly.
The letter continues:
As the article notes "perjury - particularly in a high-profile trial - undermines the broader ends of justice and cannot be ignored." I do not want to ignore anything in a case of this magnitude.
The newspaper said perjury is important, after all!
Judge Engoron just crossing his T’s, dotting his liars.
Readers, could Engoron declaring falsus in uno shenanigans, and also perhaps Yahtzee!, against the CFO of the Trump Organization be bad in a trial about massive civil financial fraud committed by the Trump Organization?
Could it just really piss the judge off and give him the little nudge he needs to make sure his judgment rains fucking hell down on Trump, especially if he falses up Weisselberg’s entire uno?
We don’t know, we don’t know how to fake being a smart lawyer like Alina Habba.
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LOL, I love Evan's prose. ESPECIALLY when elucidating on the finer points of "How is Donnie screwed today?"
I'm guessing Judge Engoron is holding the Draw Four Wild Card.