Trump Withdraws From NRA Rally
Maybe hanging out with a guy involved with torturing a cat is a bad look? Who can say!
The 34-times-a-felon former president is legally prohibited from owning a gun. But still, he was scheduled to show up next Tuesday, October 22, for an NRA “Defend the 2nd” rally in Savannah, Georgia. Now he’s pulled out, citing “scheduling conflicts,” though there is nothing else on his schedule that day.
Update, CNN reports he also pulled out of an interview with NBC News that was scheduled for Monday.
Weird! He’s had two weeks of event cancellations, including backing out of 60 Minutes, CNBC’s “Squawk Box”, and chickening out of a 2nd debate with Harris. Too enfeebled to be out here campaigning? That creepy 39-minutes of swaying and bopping to Sarah Brightman the other night would certainly make it seem so. As would his racist babbling at that town hall with Univision. BUT he does still have other events on his schedule for this week and next: rallies Saturday and Sunday in Pennsylvania, one in North Carolina on Monday, and one with Turning Point in Duluth, Georgia on Wednesday.
Maybe he did not want to be linked with a group whose new leader, Douglas Hamlin, has been accused of sadistic cat murder? And like Grandma always says, wherever a guy’s involved with one sadistic cat murder, there are usually more.
Or maybe the campaign realizes that with 58 percent of Americans supporting stricter gun laws, being the party of more guns in schools and telling everybody to “just get over it” isn’t the best look to be working right now, especially in a state that is top 10 for school shootings and has had 89 of them since 2004. Though it would be odd for them to start caring about that now. Maybe they realize that the NRA is starting to get the stink of loserdom. It’s been hemorrhaging members like a … thing that bleeds a lot, ever since it turned out former Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre was looting everybody’s donations for luxury vacations, instead of working towards every American owning a 25th gun just to pick their teeth with.
Meanwhile, Second Gentlemensch Doug Emhoff was there today, at the Savannah Cultural Arts Center. Which sounds much more pleasant than hanging out with a guy involved with setting a cat on fire.
Why the actual pullout, we will never know. But whatever the reason, that’s one less event of Trump’s addlebrained gaffes and threats to murder Adam Schiff that we’ll all be forced to read about, so that’s nice! Hooray!
During a game at Bedminster, Donald slices a fairway shot, which lands a few inches from Ivana’s grave. A minute later, he lumbers out of his golf cart and walks up to the ball, preparing to kick it onto the fairway. Before he can lift his foot, a finely manicured hand rises violently from the grass and grabs Donald by his ankle. He tries to shake off the grip, which is so strong he cannot even move his leg. With inhuman strength, the hand pulls him into the ground. He feebly claws at the grass but can’t keep from sliding in. Within seconds the ground swallows him up completely, and sealing over him to leave no trace. The wording on the headstone fades, leaving a blank stone, and then reappears, only the name and dates aren’t Ivana’s but Donald’s.
Consider this--Vance is far less popular than Trump, and far less popular than even the two most unpopular VP nominees in modern times (Quayle and Palin). Yet Team Trump has made Vance the public face of the campaign, taking on the bulk of the interviews and public appearances and photo ops, leaving Trump to just public rallies where he can dance for a half hour and count on the NY Times to decide that makes him fun and quirky, not dangerously senile.
Now, can you imagine Bush '92 making Quayle handle the media appearances, or McCain '08 doing that with Palin? Absurd. So the fact that they're stuck using their less popular ticket mate--and the least popular ticket mate in our lifetimes--tells you how bad Trump's condition is.
Remember, there was a time he would not turn down any media with anybody.