Hello hello, it’s your morning TABS!
CNN guy knows who is American Hitler and it is not Donald Trump, who keeps telling everybody HEY I SURE WANT TO BE AMERICAN HITLER. No, it is college students, particularly Palestinian ones, looks like. Mmmhmmm. (Media Matters)
This lunatic Ivan Raiklin (Marcie’s always jabbering about him like I know who he is) and his followers think we should just let North Carolina’s gerrymandered Lege decide who gets the state’s electoral votes this year — if Donald Trump loses. For a treat! (WRAL)
Elections flooded with conspiracy theories. PSHAW, AP. “Truth is boring” and “facts are boring” ONLY IF YOU AREN’T READING WONKETTE! (AP)
Oh no, the Republicans are getting creamed financially in the state lege races, you should probably send them all your money, and be sure not to uncheck the prechecked box for recurring! (Politico)
DOJ sending Elno stern letters. (CNN)
Well when you put it that way, Hayes Brown:
It's easy to point and laugh at Rudy Giuliani for having to turn over his NYC condo and millions of dollars in other assets to the Georgia election workers he defamed in 2020. So, let's.
Georgia state supreme court to Republicans asking it to hurry to reinstate some batshit crazy new ballot-fondling rules the batshit crazy elections board had muscled through, after a not-crazy judge said FUCK NO TO YOUR CRAZY SHIT: How about never? Does never work for you? (AP)
I need to clear this month old tab, so read “The Subprime AI Crisis” and give me a book report please. (Where’s Your Ed At?)
Well this Halloween “Hide and Seek With a Cop” sounds like a terrible idea. (Oregon Live)
How much is it costing American schools to deal with the demands of rightwing nutjobs yelling about the transes and the CRTs? Try three billion dollhairs, except actual dollars. (The Guardian)
Yes, I will go on your secret train to your secret bar in the secret forest. (Nice News)
Statistics about your haunted house. (Real Estate Witch)
I might make you all this easy tiramisu. It has fingers! (Tastes Better From Scratch) I’m definitely making caramel apples for the kids’ party. (Yes we ARE having two fucking parties this weekend! Whose idea was that? Better not say mine!) (Sally’s Baking Addiction)
What’s coming right up in Detroit? It’s the Wonkette Halloween party for YOU on Sat., Oct. 26, 7 p.m., at our home! Email rebecca at wonkette dot com, email header I AM NOT COMING TO KILL YOU, for our address! Free of course, but donations will be accepted for the Michigan Democrats!
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Giving off some serious incel vibes, your hed gif source info: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/the-phantom-of-the-opera
And a meme chat: https://open.substack.com/chat/posts/479a721e-a211-431f-b431-177f09a815d5?utm_source=share
Mmm, caramel apples.
Two parties in a single weekend?! Zoikes, Scooby!