Was Icky NC Gov. Nominee Mark Robinson Frequent Comer At Porn Shops Off The Interstate?
Sounds like the Republican nom for North Carolina governor has some skeletons in his wanking booth.
New York magazine produced a perfect tweet about gross sick fuck Mark Robinson, who is running to be the Republican governor of North Carolina:
It says, “Mark Robinson, the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, reportedly watched porn in private booths up to five days a week in the ’90s. He strenuously denies that as well as the Holocaust.”
And we’re off!
So here is the story.
Robinson, who is running far behind his opponent, Democratic Attorney General Josh Stein, because he is disgusting, is a Holocaust-denier and a raging anti-gay bigot and a trans-hating freak. Of course, he also is vehemently anti-abortion and a misogynist, as he demonstrated handily when he reprimanded women for not being “responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”
Now, The Assembly in North Carolina reports that, according to people who used to work at the porn shops, Robinson used to come in up to five nights a week to play with his penis inside the porn shop wanking booths. They have six sources who say he did this throughout the 1990s and 2000s, long after he became all born-again and shit.
This is how The Assembly starts its article:
In his 2022 memoir, We Are the Majority, Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson wrote that he committed his life to Jesus in the late 1980s.
“I did not, however, experience a drastic conversion like some do,” wrote Robinson, now the Republican nominee for governor. “My behavior did not immediately reform. They say sin is fun for a season, and I was in that season.”
Wack wack wack wack wack.
But alas, he denies it. Oh, the histrionic denials from the Robinson campaign!
Of course, conservative Christian wackjobs are often like this. Who to believe? Who to believe?
Hey, wonder if Robinson stopped going to the porn shops because he really “stopped sinning,” or whether it was more like he “finally got internet at his house.”
It was a source named Louis Money who “worked in several of Greensboro’s windowless, 24-hour video-pornography stores” who said Robinson was five-nights-a-week at the all-hands-on-dick porn stores. The other five sources were employees and former customers of a couple of these stores. None of them appear to be extremely political guys.
Money told The Assembly that Robinson was there literally every night he worked, and that he usually watched two “previews” per night, which is what they called it when you watched a video in the penis-touching booth instead of buying it to take it home. He would be there for hours.
It’s not that he only ate at the restaurant; he reportedly ordered takeout sometimes:
In addition, Money said Robinson purchased “hundreds” of bootleg porn videos that Money sold on the side.
“He was good for at least one a week,” Money said. But Money said Robinson didn’t pay for the last one, which he described as a compilation of “super hardcore” films he acquired in New York City that were too risqué to be sold in North Carolina.
He said he doesn’t really care about the $25 Robinson owes him for that tape.
He is, however, in a band, which made a song and a video called “The Lt. Governor Owes Me Money.”
You can read the full report from The Assembly if you want a recounting of Robinson’s who-gives-a-fuck conversion story, or his entire biography.
There’s also a lot more detail from Money and from other sources — most of them on the record — about how they remember Robinson being very funny, but as Money says, also “very homophobic.” (The article notes that Gents Video & News, one of the establishments, had a backroom that was for the gays. Apparently a lot of Robinson’s jokes were about the gay customers.)
Money did say, though:
“I know he might have problems with gay people, but I don’t think he has problems with lesbians.”
One more quote, then we’ll tell you to read the whole thing:
“He was a cool dude,” [said Ken Burwell, who worked at another store called I-40 Video & News]. “He wasn’t an asshole like he is now.”
That’s not the only source who said that, about this man who said at the state Republican convention this year that public school teachers “feed your children a steady diet of communism and pornography.”
Guess he was just a better human being when he was visiting the porn shops every night and otherwise minding his fucking business.
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You kids today have no idea how hard it was to get porn in the 90s! You had to walk miles to the peep show in the snow.
Headline after he loses in November -
“Mark Robinson rubbed out in NC election”
Subheadline- “It all ended too quickly” claimed his spokesperson