NC Gov Nominee Mark Robinson Not Personally Coming To Kill You. He's Just Asking Others To Kill You.
Hey, it's either him or you, apparently.
Mark Robinson, Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, may look like the sort of jolly backroads mechanic with an ancient Pepsi machine last serviced in the late 1970s and a bass fishing calendar for you to eyeball while he cleans your sparkplugs. But do not be fooled! The man is also a paranoid lunatic who hates trans people, thinks the Holocaust is overblown, and demands that all you jezebels keep your skirts down instead of fornicating like rabbits and then constantly running from your latest abortion right to yoga class.
Martin Luther King Jr. he is not, no matter what American historian Donald Trump says.
Robinson is also pro-murder, as he noted in a sermon to an evangelical church in North Carolina last Sunday. Though it is not exactly clear to us who the “folks” are he wants to kill. Communists? Liberals? (Same difference.)
“Some folks need killing!” Robinson, the state’s lieutenant governor, shouted during a roughly half-hour-long speech in Lake Church in the tiny town of White Lake, in the southeast corner of the state. “It’s time for somebody to say it. It’s not a matter of vengeance. It’s not a matter of being mean or spiteful. It’s a matter of necessity!”
You can watch the sermon on Facebook if you have a strong stomach and no easily strangled household pets in the immediate vicinity. The nutty part containing the above quotes starts around the 1:53:00 mark. That’s where Robinson begins referring to “a class of people in this nation” who want “control.” Control of what? It’s unclear. He can’t be referring to people who want to control women’s bodies, Robinson and his political ilk see nothing wrong with that.
Aside from the above passage, there is plenty more apocalyptic horse-hockey that appeals to far, far, far more of our fellow Americans than we are comfortable with. It is your bog-standard evangelical call to arms, in which mysterious forces are aligning against the people in this church, but through the power of Jesus Christ and the freedom America declared in 1776, Robinson and his followers will win the war against evil. Or something:
“We now find ourselves struggling with people who have evil intent. There was a time when we used to meet evil on the battlefield, and guess what we did? We killed it! We didn’t quibble about it, we didn’t argue about it, we didn’t fight about it! We killed it!”
As a Virginian, we are calling for our southern border to be shut down until we can figure out what the hell is going on.
“We didn’t capitulate and talk about well, maybe we shouldn’t fight the Nazis that hard. No, they’re bad! Killed it!”
And then we let them back into our political party and they are now our party’s base, he forgot to add for some reason.
“Some liberal somewhere is gonna say that sounds awful. Too bad! Some folks need killing!”
Robinson will not find many liberals who think we should talk to Nazis instead of hitting them. But what he’s doing here is tying weak, lily-livered liberals to nation-destroying threats that America has faced down in the past. It’s not exactly subtle.
“We have wicked people doing wicked things. Torturing, murdering, and raping. Time to call out those guys in green and go have them handle it. Those boys in blue, and have them go handle it.
This is the ZOMG IMMIGRANTS AND ANTIFA BATTALIONS ARE DESTROYING AMERICA dog whistle we had been waiting for. Sure, turn the military loose on the undocumented (many of whom are probably the ones out picking North Carolina tobacco to drive the state’s economy while Lake Church’s congregation is sitting in air-conditioned comfort listening to the crazy man rant).
Then Robinson says some shit about getting too far away from the concepts of freedom from 1776 and letting communism and socialism take over and the mysterious “they” who “cancel you and dox you” and drive you out of business. He doesn’t mention the name “Soros,” but we’ll guarantee that flitted across the minds of every last person in that room at some point.
According to 538, Robinson was running about even with his Democratic opponent in the race for the governor’s mansion in early June. So silver lining: Wonkette might have lots more content about this loon over the next four years, assuming Generalissimo Trump doesn’t shut us down for being mean to him.
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>> “We didn’t capitulate and talk about well, maybe we shouldn’t fight the Nazis that hard. No, they’re bad! Killed it!” <<
Actually we did, e.g. the New York Times, Donald Trump's dad, and the entire 1933-1941 Republican Party.
Just think how many horrifying Nazis US voters could stop if they just decided not to vote for overt, explicit cissexism. Just that. Even if that was the only change. If enough voters decided that demonizing trans people out loud was something that they would vote against that no politician could be visibly, vocally, radically cissexist and still gain statewide office (or higher), you cis people would get so many nice things just by accident.
Like, say, a governor who does not advocate for murdering his fellow citizens. You wouldn’t even have to go through the difficult process of following this guy’s mental train tracks to seee if there was an actual thought at the end of the line. You’d just be like, “No, maybe citizens should be murdered, maybe not, but he demonizes trans people out loud with his own mouth so I choose Not Him.”
TBH, in the current political environment it also means you'd have a lot less to remember on November 5th.