Are you a white supremacist and a bargain hunter?
Well, MyPillow has got you covered. Because for the low, low price of $14.88 you can get a pillow and a complimentary neo-Nazi dogwhistle. (Because after all, Hitler did famously love his dog.)
“1488” is, of course, a very famous white supremacist symbol/catchphrase, with the 14 standing for the 14-word slogan coined by domestic terrorist David Lane: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." The 88 stands for “Heil Hitler,” because H is the eighth letter of the alphabet. Aren’t they clever? Or the exact opposite of that, given that this is very easy information to look up for the rare few who still don’t know what it means.
Nazis themselves were quite pleased! And yes, that one guy’s handle is, in fact “@killdoctors,” and the other guy’s avatar is David Koresh wearing a MAGA hat, and the other guy after that punctuated his “Heil Mike Lindell!” comment with a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger doing a Nazi salute.
Nice, normal people!
The real question is … does Mike Lindell actually know? Honestly I am going to guess that he very much does not. Not because I think he is morally above that, but because he appears to just be very, very stupid. He does, however, seem highly likely to hire the kind of person who absolutely would work a Nazi slogan into a pillow sale and would explicitly not hire people who would check that and say ,“Hey, maybe we should go with $14.99 or some other non-racist price” — which would seem to make him at least a little bit complicit.
I'm usually a benefit-of-the-doubt granter, but in this case, I think Robyn is far more charitable than I. The price of $14.88 seems far too bizarre to be random.
Well, that’s horrifying. I second Lindell being too stupid to know the significance but ignorance really is no excuse.
Schwarzenegger would be horrified by that meme, btw. He’s been pretty reliably anti-fascist for quite a while now.