Who'd win in a fight behind the gym, Drunk Rudy or Old Feeble Joe? That is not actually a post today.
Hey Wonkers, sit down and learn some somethings!
First, did you get your morning tabs, aka Sometimes The Day’s Cheat Sheet of What We Might Be Writing About And Sometimes It’s Not?
Poor old Drunky McPervert being investigated for Drunk Lawyer.
We been calling Old Handsome Joe Biden old (and handsome!) since before it was cool.
I’m sure it’s all fine.
Ima need some more heart-eyes emojis!
Lol idjit.
There, now you are a well-informed citizen of Earth. See you tonight with the evening roundup! We love you bye!
Guiliani "adjusting his shirt" was one of the highlights of the second Borat movie!
Old Joe for $100.