Whom Is JD Vance Insulting Today? *Spins Wheel*. It's Irish-Americans!
A very bad history lesson from America's favorite very bad VP candidate.
We have learned to expect the unexpected in American politics. But would we ever have expected a vice presidential candidate to insult European immigrant groups like it is 1916 and he’s running on the Immigration Restriction League ticket?
Well yes, probably, because we have also learned to not underestimate the thirsty nativist grotesquerie that is JD Vance. One of the emerging themes of the presidential campaign is that Hillbilly Gump, in his deep thirst for attention, has in the last few years talked to every numbskull retrograde alt-right politician, organization, think tank, online magazine, blogger, influencer, TikTok weirdo, and podcast host who would have him.
Which means there is a rich well of dumb crap Vance has said out loud that probably excited some neo-Nazi board on Reddit but makes normal people wonder if the dude has the brains that God gave even a cantaloupe.
Case in point: This video that has emerged of Vance talking to alt-right podcast host Jack Murphy (about whom more in a minute) while he was gearing up for his 2021 US Senate campaign. Murphy asked Vance about who in his mind counts as an American and who gets to be one and so on. To which Vance gave the audience of incels a rambling response that somewhere along the way included this gem:
"You had this massive wave of Italian, Irish and German immigration and that had its problems, its consequences. You had higher crime rates, you had these ethnic enclaves, you had inter-ethnic conflict in the country where you really hadn't had that before."
Oh for sure, there was no inter-ethnic crime until massive waves of shanty Irish washed up on America’s heretofore pristine shores. Unless you count slavery, and then the Jim Crow regimes that replaced it after Reconstruction. And the genocide of Native American tribes by European settlers and their descendants. Just for starters.
America was built on inter-ethnic conflict of one form or another. It is as American as apple pie. Probably even more so, we can’t say for sure which one emerged on this continent first, but we know which way we’d bet on the question.
The interview is below and the relevant portion starts at the very beginning, around the :45 mark:
Vance gives his xenophobic history lesson in a way that leaves the impression he thinks he is the first person to ever really deeply contemplate issues of immigration and assimilation in America, and he really thinks highly of himself for doing so. Even though everything he says is just the same old nativism that has been present in this country forever, only this time spewed by the most obnoxious and oblivious dweeb in your tenth grade history class.
We are not sure how Murphy, the podcast host with a beard like a Russian Orthodox priest, has apparently escaped our attention before. Although in our defense, there are a lot of alt-right weirdos with podcasts and bigoted Twitter feeds.
But Murphy’s story is interesting. His real name is Jack Goldman, and for some years he was a consultant and held leadership positions for a couple of different charter schools in the Washington DC area. At some point, the DC Charter School Board hired him as its senior manager of finance. Not long after that, a left-wing activist doxed Goldman, who admitted he had been writing a blog and a Twitter feed under the Jack Murphy pseudonym.
Murphy was your bog-standard alt-right nut who wrote things like “Behind even the most ardent feminist façade is a deep desire to be dominated and even degraded.” And “Rape is the best therapy for the problem. Feminists need rape.” And “I can smell feminist yearning for a thrashing from a mile away.” Charming!
Wikipedia tells us Murphy is divorced, which is unsurprising, he’s got huge “men will blog the most insane misogynist garbage instead of going to therapy” energy.
After losing his charter school gigs, Murphy turned full-time to podcasting, hosting an array of wingnut luminaries like Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich. He also was a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, which sounds prestigious until you remember the Claremont Institute hands out fellowships to alt-right bigots like they are Halloween candy.
Still, everything was going great for Murphy until a few months after the JD Vance interview. That was when someone on the right discovered a 2015 blog post he had written in which he bragged about his enjoyment of cuckoldry, a huge no-no for the manly men of the Right. UnHerd had a a summation that led to Murphy being cancelled by his fellow travelers:
From the perspective of the ‘manosphere’, letting other men have sex with your girlfriend is a definite no-no, and will earn you the ultimate put-down: ‘cuck’, which is to say ‘cuckold’, an ultimately un-masculine man. Murphy’s defensiveness poured petrol on the flames: aggrieved fans combed the internet for other historic Murphy content, turning up pornographic videos depicting Murphy inserting objects into an orifice where, in the view of the majority of the manosphere, the sun of machismo should never be permitted to shine.
Needless to say, Murphy’s podcast did not survive this scandal.
Stay tuned for tomorrow, when we’ll find out JD Vance once told a podcast host that slavery was awesome because it meant everyone in America was employed. Even the Irish.
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Must been the 80's, while US was having a talk with in-coming folks about how to be a good American. He seems to think that was a good and decent time of immigration. I wonder when Usha's parents came here.
That podcaster's beard was exactly what I mentally imagined from the first paragraph on.