Wonkette Movie Night: Ghostbusters (2016)
'I guess he's going to Queens - he's going to be the third scariest thing on that train.'
“Look at what’s happened to New York, it’s a ghost town. It’s a ghost town… For so many years I loved it, it was vibrant. It’s dying, everyone is leaving New York.”
And as he might have said,
“And then I said who you gonna call? And these big, strong men with tears in their eyes, manly men in uniforms said, ‘Sir, we don’t know, can you please tell us who to call!’ … I had an uncle who was a great professor for, I believe, 40 years at MIT. And I used to discuss the para…parapsychogoglogical with him all the time. You are going to call Ghostbusters and these men in jumpsuits with their … their electro packs, good friends of mine with their woowoo siren will defeat the army of spooks for the United Shhstates Of America! Bing, bing, bong, bong!”
Old man, former New York City resident and multiply convicted felon, confuses movie with real life. Film at 11!
Okay so maybe that second quote was made up, but he said the first one in 2020 during a debate with Joe Biden and frequently mentions his uncle as the reason for his own supposed intelligence. It is easy to imagine Trump saying those things because he could definitely not believe that Ghostbusters could be (GASP!) female. Apparently a common belief among a certain segment of the population. (Melissa McCarthy Opens Up About Ghostbusters Reboot Backlash - Screen Rant)
The villain the Ghostbusters are fighting this time is a bitter, evil scientist and an occultist. He is trying to gain power by luring ghosts from all over the Big Apple. With the psychic energy stolen from the wraiths and specters he will be able to create an interdimensional vortex, but it could also destroy NYC in the process. Abby, Erin, Jillian, and Patty are the Ghostbusters saving the city this go-round from the spirits of old New Amsterdam.

They will use their wits and intelligence in a Times Square battle of the centuries against a variety of phantoms. The long dead, lost souls of New Yorkers including those inhabiting the terrifying big balloons of Gotham’s past parades and Dutch settlers Abby refers to as “pilgrims.” Dan Aykroyd, in a fun cameo appearance as a cabbie, brushes them off as “Class 5 floating vapors” and remarks that he “ain’t afraid of no ghosts.” Holtzmann’s “new toys” will give the Ghostbusters the fire power they need to save Manhattan.
Starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Chris Hemsworth, Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson, and Dan Aykroyd. Directed by Paul Feig.
Ghostbusters is available for free with ads on The Roku Channel. $3.99 in the usual places.
To make requests and see the movie lists and schedules, go to WonkMovie.
The cartoon is A Famous Studios Production Noveltoon from 1949, A Haunting We Will Go starring Casper the Friendly Ghost.
The next Movie Night we will be celebrating Pride month with a viewing of 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 (𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟒)!
Bear! This is his I’m so cute please give me treats look.