You'll Never Guess What Anti-Vaxxers Think CNN's Alice Stewart Died From
Remember the good old days, when everyone was immortal?
Republican political strategist and CNN commentator Alice Stewart passed away this weekend at the age of 58. No specific cause of death has been given, yet, but she was found dead outside her home Saturday morning, as a result of some kind of medical emergency that is none of anyone’s business.
No foul play is suspected by anyone — well, except for the ghoulish anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and QAnon weirdos who have gone balls-to-the-wall spreading the word that she died from the Covid-19 vaccine.
As you are likely aware by now, these brilliant researchers have figured out that every person who dies for an unnamed reason, or whose obituary lists them as having “died suddenly” and every person who dies for a heart-related reason these days … was actually killed by the Covid vaccine. This makes it very easy to claim that millions of deaths were caused by the vaccine, especially if people are willing to accept the premise that people never died for unnamed reasons or died suddenly or died from heart problems before it was invented.
The always wacky Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News tweeted a video of people who said they got the vaccine and then died, writing, “This one goes out to CNN’s Alice Stewart, who pushed the shot onto millions of people, got the shots herself posting selfies getting them w her mask. Besides working at CNN she was an athlete in phenomenal shape. So Young beautiful and just #DiedSuddenly.”
"People that administered and pushed this on innocent people while not knowing what was in that [shot emoji] and had no possibility of knowing the side effects are really evil people,” she continued. “I suppose you can forgive them, but never forget what they did to innocent people.”
“RIP Alice Stewart,” wrote one social media user. “Unfortunately for her, she was absolutely and utterly wrong….she would have been better off ignoring everyone she put her blind faith in, and instead listening to us.”
“CNN's Alice Stewart got some Sudden Karma today and #DiedSuddenly,” wrote another. “When the millions of regular folks who just fell for the scam die from the jab, it's sad. But, when politicians or CIA propaganda media die from it, it's justice.”
“Maybe i will have to answer for this and I ask God for forgiveness but I do not give a fig when utter scum like this gets their just desserts,” said a real charmer on the QAnon message board.
There are more. They all more or less say the same thing. “She mocked us, and now she’s #DiedSuddenly!” is the general refrain.
It’s fairly obvious what’s going on here. It started with the masks. As soon as it was announced that masks don’t protect you as much as they protect others from you, they freaked the fuck out and stopped wearing masks (actually, if you recall, they wanted masks when everyone was saying not to buy them because we didn’t want health workers to run out). They didn’t like being told, however, that they were putting people’s lives in danger. They wanted to be able to put people’s lives in danger without anyone commenting on it. Then they didn’t like being told not to drink or inject bleach or not to drink colloidal silver until they turned blue. They didn’t like being told not to go out or not to have big parties, they didn’t like watching other people follow the rules, either, because they knew it made them look like jerks.
Then, when the vaccine happened and everyone else was excited to be able to live a little again without being scared of catching a dangerous virus, they didn’t like being told that the people who followed the rules and got their vaccine passports could start going places again and that they couldn’t. They didn’t like being told to take a vaccine instead of horse antibiotics or whatever other nonsense they came up with.
They didn’t like being told that they’d need a vaccine to go to work or to get on a plane and they didn’t like being treated as if they were dangerous just because, well, they were.
But they wanted so badly to be right. They wanted so badly to live out the dream of actually being smarter than all of the scientists who thought they knew everything.
So, in retaliation, they started coming up with a narrative about how the Covid vaccine was dangerous — and, almost more importantly, how those who took it were dangerous to “purebloods” like them. You know, because of how we could surely murder them with our spike proteins.
They want this so badly to be true. They need it to be true. They want that Schadenfreude and since they’re not getting it in reality, they just have to LARP it the hell out. They now all pretend that they live in a world where they really did turn out to be right, that everyone now agrees that they were right all along and people are dropping like flies from the vaccine, because that is a world that feels good to them.
On some level, we all have feelings like this. When I was a kid, one of the things that kept me going to school every day, despite more or less being Carrie without the telekinetic powers, was my plan to someday be a world famous star of stage and screen, so that everyone who made my life hell would think “Boy, I guess maybe we should have been nicer to that girl after all!” I don’t think that’s all that unusual, but I also know that I felt that way because I wasn’t happy and because I felt hurt. I’m okay now. I’m not hurting anymore and I don’t really have any desire whatsoever to give an Academy Award acceptance speech in which I rake my elementary/middle school archnemesis over the coals. I’m good.
I’m not saying any of this this because we should empathize with these people and their weird pain, but because I just think it’s worth being aware of how this happens. Because I do know that part of the reason we handled their anti-science nonsense with such snark and vitriol at the height of the pandemic was because we were angry that they were putting our health at risk and didn’t care, and so it felt really good sometimes to call them stupid, and it sometimes even felt good when we saw Covid-deniers get Covid. Or it did for me, anyway.
For what it’s worth, I do not wish any ill health on Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News, nor on any of the others who share her beliefs. Or on anyone, really. I hope that they eventually find peace — and, ideally, figure out that no one is trying to vaccine murder anybody. Because feeling that sour on the inside can’t be good for them, either.
I long ago became virtually inured to these sudden deaths. The fact of the matter is that there is NO rhyme or reason as to why some people simply drop dead during what appears to be the prime of their life while others linger, entirely dependent, while waiting at Death's door impatiently for a dramatic final exit.
Death isn't fair. Nor does it owe any of us an explanation. However, what Death does demand is a respect for every waking, vital moment. At ANY time and for too often no reason at all our respective clock may run down and our time is up. No do overs or backsies. Just that final curtain call.
COVID damned good and well ought to have taught us all how precious every second of our lives actually are. I still get choked up and would give just about ANYTHING to once again be able to burn away the wee hours of the morning having snarky conversations with Trey about the medical profession and the training processes demanded to join that exclusive club. I miss my friend so much that it HURTS.
THAT is why we must cherish LIFE and do everything possible to preserve it.
Oh, Robyn, you have so much more compassion for anti-vaxxers than I do. I admire that.
The inventor of the rubella vaccine, the late Paul Parkman, said in 2002, "“As I look back on my career, I have come to think that perhaps I was involved in the easy part. It will be for others to take on the difficult task of maintaining the protections that we struggled to achieve. We must prevent the spread of this vaccine nihilism, for if it were to prevail, our successes could be lost.” (
That's what this is -- vaccine nihilism.