California Coming Home. Tabs, Fri., Jan. 10, 2025
Morning news roundup and things to read!
Yup, that’s a hurricane fire all right. (Jeff Tiedrich)
Lying to ourselves that we’re fine with our climate disasters. We’re not fine! (Jason Koebler at 404 Media)
This is hard for us at Wonkette. “I already wrote about that,” the kids will say, “I don’t have anything new to add.” Would Ben Shapiro leave it at one story, or would there be fifty stories, a day, for months? We have the added benefit of not making our shit up. Repeat repeat repeat for justice. Don’t leave it to the Rufos and the Shapiros to make everybody immediately think “Los Angeles is on fire because someone is Black.” (Bad Faith Times)
The Fucking News ThinkProgressed some facts on how much Trump I’s budget cut … wildfire fighting. And other stuff too. (TFN)
How we come together for real, actual mutual aid. (Garrett Bucks at the White Pages) And the spreadsheet. Oh no it’s making me cry. (Google Doc)
How Jimmy Carter’s antiracism pissed off the evangelicals and led to MAGA. Well, shit. (Amanda Marcotte at Salon)
Kevin Kruse, historian, says Merrick Garland is not the worst attorney general ever because he is not an actual crook or doing redscares. Kevin Kruse, historian, says Merrick Garland is still really really bad though. (Campaign Trails)
Oh Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk declined to bar the DOJ from releasing the Special Counsel report on Trump’s stolen documents that it is bound by law to release? I would not have expected him to have a scruple. Anyway, Aileen Cannon sure didn’t. (Our Liz at Law and Chaos Pod)
I can’t find First Focus on Kids’ newest newsletter on their website, about all the fun ways Republicans want to cut children’s programs for tax breaks for Elon Musk. But they do have a fun (“fun”) splainer on the Republicans’ latest private school vouchers bill, H.R. 9462, the Educational Choice for Children Act of 2024 by Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE), to send all our tax money to private and homeschoolers. It’s gonna be a big one this year, be prepared for us to REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT. (First Focus on Kids)
A ban on trans children playing sports is going to come down to the wire in the Senate, Erin Reed says. My head hurts. (Erin in the Morning)
Of course Facebook is censoring 404 Media’s stories about Facebook censoring stories. They been censoring our shit for a decade. But wait, didn’t Zuckerberg just explain there won’t be any censorship (of bigots) anymore? LOL. (404 Media)
I do want to have a fondue feast in an igloo, Switzerland! I do! (Fodor’s)
EVAN POPS IN. I have SO MUCH MORE to say at my Friday place about the assholes blaming DEI for the LA wildfires. Come by, subscribe! [The Moral High Ground]
OK, Evan back out!
This is not an ad! Who Gives a Crap is on the NRDC’s best environmentally sound toilet paper list, and this link will give you $20 off an order (and I’ll get $20 too). (Although it’s now getting only an A instead of an A+; Trader Joe’s, hmmmmm???) I don’t recommend the bamboo, or the kleenex. But I way recommend the normal recycled TP. Here’s my link, for toilet paper!
SAN DIEGO, get ready for your WONK PARTY on Thurs., Feb. 20, 6-8 p.m. Where will it be? Still don’t know yet, we’ll figure it out soon! NB: Orange County, thinking about seeing you on Tues., Feb. 18, I am assuming y’all are going to need some drinks.
Thank you for being our friend and keeping us living forever! The button below will let you donate one time or monthly, in any amount of your choosing.
This is the button for giving us money with Venmo. It’s venmorrific!
Closing up the workweek with some Tupi gifage, because you deserve a little baby capybara in your feed. Info here:
And a meme chat:
Sample size of one, so who knows, but I’m seeing Wonkette articles in my Facebook feed again. Yeah, yeah, don’t @ me, it’s the way I keep in touch with some of my US friends, particularly the oldsters sharing grandkid updates.