Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls (Unless Your Last Name Is Wallenda)
Please stick to the figurative bodies of water that you are used to!
Happy Weekend!
Today is the 12th anniversary of Nik Wallenda (of The Flying Wallendas!) becoming the first person to walk a tightrope across Niagara Falls, which honestly seems like a very poor idea to me. Also, tomorrow, in addition to being Father’s Day, is also Waterfall Day — which I do not recommend you celebrate by walking a tightrope across one, because that actually seems like a very bad idea for non-Flying Wallendas.
Your present this week is unrelated to that, because frankly I couldn’t find anything cool related to any holiday or anniversary of today!
It is a video of all of the kinky shit they had — including ideas for sex robots and Salvador Dalí's "Dream of Venus" house — at the 1938 World Fair. It’s a pretty useful thing to have in a world where people seem to like to pretend as though recreational sex was discovered in the late 1960s.
Courtesy of r/ObscureMedia. Enjoy!
Edit/Update: Dok Zoom popping in to say oh heck, I shoulda hopped in when this post went up earlier, but I was writing a thing about Donald Trump and UFOs. (How's that for a teaser? it’ll be your open thread at 3 EDT).
Thornton is doing fine, very sleepy because of the pain meds, and has so far not chewed the bandage off his hind foot this time! A spritz of bitter apple on the bandage seems to help; in the pic up top, it looked to me like he fell asleep reaching for his bandaged foot, which he can lick/chew if he stretches that leg out past the edge of the Cone of Shame.
See Wednesday's tabs for why the dear little booger has a bandage and Cone of Shame, and why “this time.” I love him so much.
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Talk amongst yourselves!
Programming note: updated post with a Thornton update.
TL;DR version: he's doing great, hates the Cone of Shame, but is resting comfortably!
YouTube effectively disabling all adblocking is going to be the fucking death of me. 5 minutes of ads for a 5 minute tutorial? Fuck you all to hell.