Imagine Being Rudy Giuliani's Judge Having To Hold Him In Contempt Again And Again And
Next time, JAIL.
Four days after being held in contempt in federal court in New York, hateful COVID-farting troll Rudy Giuliani has been found in contempt yet again! This time in DC, where he’d entered into a consent agreement wherein he said he’d keep talk of the women he was found liable for defaming from his roachy little mandibles. But he could not control himself, and has been gabbing his lies about them quadruple-counting ballots and doing Black-lady hoodoo with flash drives or whatever to anybody who will listen to him on his sponsored-by-Mike-Lindell podcast, as recently as last November.
So back to court he went, starting off by shit-Tweeting Judge Beryl A. Howell while he was sitting right there in her courtroom, at 1:06 p.m.
Welp, facts don’t care about your feelings!
Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss could have asked for his ass to be thrown in the can like the many January 6 tourists that Howell has already sent there. But they only want him to shut the fuck up already, telling Howell: “We don’t want to be here today. The whole reason we tried to obtain an injunction rather than a new lawsuit is that the main thing the plaintiffs want is for Mr. Giuliani to stop defaming them.” They asked for a $20,000 fine per violation, from Rudy’s exempt assets. You’ll recall that in spite of his constant boo-hooing about poverty, he gets $43,000 a month from his pensions, which were (previously) untouchable in his bankruptcy/liquidation.
And Howell seemed to hint that she wouldn’t hate giving him a taste of DC jail, asking the plaintiff’s lawyers what condition she could put on Giuliani to make him comply when “monetary sanctions are basically ignored? Because I have some ideas.” Oh boy, me too!
Howell talked to him like a truculent teen: “I really hoped we were done, stop saying such fabricated lies. Especially publicly,” while Roodles reportedly made scoffing, snorting noises and muttered incoherently at the defense table.
Roodles has a new lawyer, Eden Quainton (he/him), who tried to excuse his client’s blather by saying that Giuliani genuinely believes what he's saying. Which of course doesn’t matter, because he already consented to shut the fuck up. He argued that Rudy should be cut a break because it took “a lot of self-discipline” for Giuliani to comply with the consent agreement for the entire five-and-a-half months between when he agreed to shut up and when he started back up with his shit talk in November. Probably true! And then Quainton tried to say that because Giuliani has litigation pending, that gives him some kind of special exception that allows Rudy to bark lies on his Rumblecast. According to his LinkedIn, Quainton went to Stanford, just saying.
These arguments were not comforting to Judge Howell. “So what you’re saying is that this defamation is never going to stop. He believed it in 2020 when he made the original statements. He believed it all throughout the trial. He believes it today. That’s chilling.”
Howell asked Rudy what his exempt assets were, and he said he did not know. But whoops, the plaintiff's lawyers put all their paperwork from New York in their briefcases! And so Roodles’ bony ass was ordered to perch on the stand, where he confirmed that he still has that $3.5 million condo in Florida, plus about $100,000 in a Charles Schwab IRA, $163,000 in a Fidelity 401k and over $1.1 million in a Citibank IRA. Skip the lattes and diversify your holdings, children!
It took Howell just a couple of minutes to rule, and shred, because she has other shit to do. She ticked off more than a dozen statements Giuliani made on his podcast “America's Mayor Live” in November, about how Moss and Freeman were “passing these little, uh, hard drives that we maintain were used to fix the machines” deeming them “baseless whining,” and pronounced:
“The court holds that the defendant, Mr. Giuliani, violated the final injunction and the consent agreement and he therefore is in contempt of this court. The court finds with clear and convincing evidence that Mr. Giuliani violated this injunction in at least six ways.
“It is outrageous and shameful that Mr. Giuliani dares to suggest that he is the one being treated unfairly when he heard the evidence at trial. This takes real chutzpah, Mr. Giuliani!”
Howell gave him 10 days to sign a declaration acknowledging he had a full opportunity to cross-examine witnesses in deposition and at trial, and that he's reviewed all trial evidence and sworn testimony and that no testimony or government report has ever contradicted Moss and Freeman. And if he doesn’t sign it, he’ll face a $200 a day fine. Plus he has to pay the court costs. And if he still won’t cram it, JAIL. “I am very concerned based on the statements made during this hearing that Mr. Giuliani may not be persuaded to stop making statements that violate the consent judgment in this case without even more severe sanctions in this case.”
The old pervert then shuffle-farted out of court and talked more shit about the judge on the steps, though he did manage to leave those poor election workers out of his mouth, this time, for once.
Two contempts in a week, my! Then next Thursday, January 16, he’ll be back in Judge Liman’s court in New York, for a trial to determine if his residence is really that $3.5 million condo he repeatedly swore was not his residence, and if he actually gifted those World Series rings to his hair-gel-saturated dipshit son. And maybe by then he will also have solved the mystery of “where did you go, Joe DiMaggio(’s jersey)”? Please keep talking, Rudy. Podcast it up!
And no, Trump can’t save him from any of this, even if he were so inclined.
Until next time!
[Jordan Fischer on Twitter/ WUSA/ The Hill/ Freeman v. Giuliani (DC)]
When the leaders show no respect for the law, and the law cannot hold them accountable, the republic cannot endure.
He’s been in contempt all along. His A$$ should either prison or an institution. This is ridiculous.