Is It Even A Sunday Show If Ronna (Romney) McDaniel Isn't On It?
Yes. It's your Sunday show rundown!
Can’t get enough Ronna (Romney) McDaniel? Well too bad, one post on her from us today is going to have to hold you! (Although Chuck Todd — Chuck Todd — reaming his own employers was truly a sight to behold.)
Instead we’ve got a couple other dipshits for you this afternoon. You are … welcome?
Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy
Some might say Kevin McCarthy didn’t get to choose his retirement when his conference removed him from his speakership. We choose to differ: McCarthy made his own choice of his own free will when, for the chance to call himself Speaker oh so briefly, he made a deal with lunatics during his 15-round election to the position. Once McCarthy agreed to the “motion to vacate” rule, his speakership was under the sword of Damocles.
Learning nothing from this, McCarthy appeared on CBS’s “Face The Nation” to give his take on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s latest (very lazy) attempt to remove Mike Johnson as Speaker.
But guess who he blamed?
MCCARTHY: I mean, the difficulty here is when you allow eight Republicans to join with all the Democrats to determine who can run the House when 96 percent decide one way, it creates some chaos.
It must be repeated again: Democrats are not in charge of nor under any obligation to maintain the Republican leadership. Blaming them for ousting McCarthy then or possibly Johnson now is a shift of responsibility. No one would bat an eye if no Republican ever voted for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker, just like they never did for former Speaker Nancy Pelosi. There is no “bipartisan” component to a speakership vote. In fact, it was his blaming of Democrats for his party’s attempt at a shutdown the government that cost him his speakership.
Does McCarthy have any advice for current, we guess, House Speaker Mike Johnson on how to avoid repeating his fate?
MCCARTHY: It's a difficult situation, but look, the one advice I would give to the Conference and to the Speaker is do not be fearful of a motion to vacate. I do not think they could do it again. […] I don't think the Democrats will go along with it too. Focus on the country, focus on the job you're supposed to do, and actually do it fearlessly. Just move forward.
McCarthy also thought in 2023 that Democrats would not go along with his party’s plan to self-immolate … and he was wrong. Maybe Mike Johnson should ignore Kevin’s “wise” advice. Following the path of a bad, stammering liar only has one conclusion.
Senator Marco Rubio
Speaking of stammering liars, Sen. Rubio of Florida was on ABC’s “This Week.”
Host Jonathan Karl, after asking some questions on foreign policy, decided to ask Rubio about his concerns about endorsing Donald Trump for president.
Karl played an audio clip of Trump saying this:
“Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because Israel will be destroyed.”
Rubio, rather than call out the obvious antisemitism, mumbled incoherently, equating total support for the state of Israel with all Jewish people … which is sorta the problem in Trump’s antisemitic statement.
But why is Rubio being so cagey, other than he’s a chickenhawk piece of shit who’s never seen war crimes he didn’t like?
KARL: There were reports this week that you are possibly under consideration to be Donald Trump's running mate. […] But you said it would be an honor to be offered a spot on this ticket. Really?
RUBIO: I think anyone who is offered the opportunity to serve this country as vice president should be honored by the opportunity to do it if you are in public service. […] Being vice president is an important way to serve the country.
Ohhhhhh. Lil’ Marco is auditioning to be next enabler vice president. But Karl quickly reminded Rubio of the last enabler vice president and how his term almost ended.
KARL: I mean, the reason I asked, I mean, look what happened to the last guy. I mean, a mob stormed the Capitol, literally calling to hang Mike Pence.
RUBIO: Listen —
KARL: And Trump defended those chants of “hang Mike Pence.”
Also, in case Rubio didn’t pay attention, Mike Pence’s political aspirations didn’t quite materialize after. So being Trump’s VP might not be the stepping stone to the “big chair,” Rubio.
Rubio quickly changed the subject to blaming President Joe Biden for everything going on in the world. Karl, a bit perplexed, tried to clarify what seemed idiotic and Rubio just doubled down.
KARL: But — but — but you’re — but — I mean — I mean you’re not suggesting that’s all happening because of Biden and everything?
RUBIO: Absolutely I am.
But as soon as Rubio tried to pivot to the “Trump made us safer” bullshit, Karl decided to remind Rubio of his previous thoughts on Trump as a “con artist” in 2016.
KARL: Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.
RUBIO: It’s a campaign.
Rubio tried to deflect with an analogy to VP Kamala Harris calling out President Biden during the 2020 Democratic primary, but Rubio’s main argument is that it’s okay to lie then (if he didn’t mean it) or lie now (if he did mean it) for the sake of the political game.
It isn’t okay. It’s one of the many examples of what’s wrong with politics and why Rubio has always been the emptiest suit in the game. We don’t know if it will get him that VP slot, but it could mean he is qualified as RNC Chair … if Trump runs out of nepotism picks or the RNC runs out of money.
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