Detroit come to my party Monday, noon to 3 p.m., email rebecca at wonkette dot com for my address or just reply to this email! The rest of you, Robyn will be on tomorrow like normal, and then on Sunday we’ll have our annual NYE countdown from noon to midnight! Then on Monday we will be NOT AT WORK, we will be AT PARTY!
Happy New Year everybody, thank you for sticking with us for another one … or finding us for the first time!!
We love you all, because we are liberals who love people, the end. (NOT THE END, SO MANY STORIES COMING AT YOU!)
Here’s some big bloody heart from Sara Benincasa.
Here were some weirdos.
This lady has a whole Sarah Palin/Boebs future ahead of her!
She seems terrrrrible!
It’s a Nice Time!
And if you don’t believe us, ask Crip Dyke at Pervert Justice!
Another Nice Time!
Eh, kind of a Nice Time, but I have a bad feeling about this one.
Still, Gary was hilarious about it. Why isn’t he staffing a TV show? He’s so dialogue!
Susan Collins Wants The Voters To Decide What They Already Decided
Robyn was very good too, you should read Robyn. “In a patriarchal society, it’s the menfolk who decide whether they want women to be sex objects/maids in bikinis or if they should be sex objects/maids in FLDS prairie dresses.”
And now it’s time for a drink.
I’ll be at work tomorrow, and probably Sunday too, which is stupid, and then the other stuff. Now GTFO! GOODBYE!
(happy new year)