The last we checked in on banjo-strummin’ Kentucky Rep. James Comer, this comical simulacrum of a villain on “Justified” had gotten a miiiiiiiite frustrated that his investigations of Joe Biden had failed to turn up hard evidence of the Biden family’s rampant criminality — the same criminality every wingnut with a Twitter account and the intellectual firepower of quiche had been positive, positive, he would easily find, thereby setting the stage for the president to be impeached and driven from office while his crackhead son was arrested and sentenced to decades of humiliating hard labor serving drinks at Federalist Society dinners.
Or something like that, we don’t know, every time we see James Comer’s face, the sound of the theme song from “The Dukes of Hazzard” fills our brain and drowns out all other thought. Just some good ol’ boys, never meanin’ no harm …
Anyway, no impeachment was forthcoming, but at least Comer got months of humiliating headlines as he came up empty over and over.
Then Joe Biden went out on a CNN stage for That Debate. And all of a sudden Comer has found a reason to reconvene the House Oversight Committee he chairs so he can yell at Biden’s doctor for hiding from the public the fact that the president is old.
Dr. Kevin O’Connor had released a positive assessment of Biden’s health this past February. From ABC News:
He "continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities without any exemptions or accommodations," O'Connor had said in his February assessment, and that the test "identified no new concerns."
In a letter to O’Connor, Comer notes reports that the doctor had not made Biden take a cognitive test so he could go out in front of reporters to brag about acing it while yelling “PERSON WOMAN MAN CAMERA TV BARRON SNAPPLE GERANIUM SOCCER BALL KUMQUAT” over and over and over again like a malfunctioning Teddy Ruxpin.
Comer requested O’Connor provide the Oversight Committee with documents and an interview and gave him until July 14 to respond. We hope he invokes doctor-patient confidentiality and tells Comer to stick his questions up his hillbilly butt.
As if that wasn’t enough, Comer is also accusing O’Connor of possibly being involved in the Biden family financial chicanery that his months and months of investigations have failed to ever turn up any evidence of. Because hey, if you’re going to swing, you might as well swing for the fences.
From an Oversight Committee press release:
Dr. O’Connor was involved with the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. Recent evidence obtained by the Committee shows Dr. O’Connor’s and James Biden’s involvement with Americore Health, LLC, a company that operated rural hospitals and is currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. James Biden, the President’s brother, used funds from Americore to pay Joe Biden $200,000 as the company was facing financial distress. James Biden received payments for $400,000 and $200,000, characterized as loans, from the company that were wired directly to his bank account “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”
Comer and his fellow Republicans looked into all this crap during their interminable investigations of the Biden family over the last year and a half. The “loans” from Americore were actually payments James Biden took in lieu of a 35 percent stake in the company that he had decided he did not want. The $200,000 he gave his brother was payback for another loan the president had given him. He denied in an interview with Oversight that he had made the “open doors” comment, and no one seems to have ever found any evidence to contradict him on any of this.
It is not even clear from the transcript of James Biden’s interview with Oversight how Kevin O’Connor fits in with Biden’s involvement with Americore, other than he was Joe Biden’s personal physician while he was vice president and the company had something to do with medical services. It’s a bit like if Comer was investigating “The Daily Show” for something and wanted to question Wonkette because we also write politically themed humor.
In short, this was yet another wild hair the Republicans had up their ass, they couldn’t prove anything illegal or unethical had gone on, and they were reduced to their usual impotent sputtering.
The White House dismissed Comer’s letter to O’Connor as him indulging yet again in silly conspiracy theories. Which we’re sure won’t change anything, but we’ll give them this: they have bigger catfish to fry up at the moment.
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Hasn't Comer heard that anything a President does is legal? And that even if it isn't, by SCOTUS made law you can't use any evidence at all to convict a President of wrongdoing?
“We need to see him energized at a rally!”
[he holds an energized rally]
“We need to see him give an interview!”
[he gives an interview]
“We need to hear him off a teleprompter!”
[He speaks at a church without one]
“We need to see him off the cuff!”
[He calls in during Morning Joe]
[five minutes later…]
“I’m sorry, we’re just not seeing what we need to see.”
Give me a fucking break, would you.