Ken Paxton Sues NCAA For Fraud, Because Surprise He Saw A Trans Person
Bring in the new year, same as the old year.

Ken Paxton, Texas attorney general who somehow always finds a way to evade accountability for his actions, has decided to sue the NCAA for fraudulently and unilaterally appointing San Jose State’s all-trans volleyball team world champions of women’s athletics.
Except that San Jose State only has one trans player and Penn State won the volleyball championship this weekend. But other than that, says Paxton, it’s totally fraud all the time in NCAA’s women’s athletics.
The Texas Tribune reports that Paxton’s office has stated he has sued the NCAA, though the complaint released has none of the usual information showing filing has been completed. Still, if the filing has not been formalized as yet, one imagines Paxton will file, and from the content of the complaint it’s clear that Paxton has settled on the state Deceptive Trade Practices Act as his vehicle of choice:
The NCAA is engaging in false, misleading, and deceptive practices by advertising using similar logos and branding for its “women’s” sporting events restricted solely to women and “women’s” sporting events open to both men and women—a practice designed to confuse consumers.
Paxton went further in saying that individual trans players are a threat to others and need to be outed:
Paxton also accused the NCAA of misleading consumers by not identifying which athletes are transgender, and of “jeopardizing the safety and wellbeing of women” by allowing transgender athletes to participate in its sporting events.
The press release from Paxton’s office is full of the usual evil one expects to see these days. Paxton himself is quoted in the release saying,
“When people watch a women’s volleyball game, for example, they expect to see women playing against other women—not biological males pretending to be something they are not. Radical ‘gender theory’ has no place in college sports.”
The choice of volleyball here isn’t random. Rather it refers directly to the burning anti-trans sentiment in the NCAA’s Mountain West conference that is responsible for the forfeits of several of San Jose State University’s opponents.
Despite the supposed unfair advantages and the wins gained by forfeit, the SJSU Spartans were unable to win their own conference in the regular season or the tournament. Colorado State’s Rams, who notably did not forfeit their matches against the Spartans, beat them narrowly in the regular season and handily in the conference tournament even though the Rams (Ewes?) were ultimately not good enough to win even a single game in the national tournament field of 64. Such is the inevitable dominance brought on by trans athletes.
As for the strategy of leveraging the DTPA, that is also neither unexpected nor new. Paxton has used it in the past to target trans healthcare providers, and Donald Trump’s incoming FTC chair Andrew Ferguson has promised to use the very similar powers of the FTC to shut down providers of gender-affirming healthcare, for trans people only, of course. (Christian nationalist cis boys can have chest masculinizing surgery all they want because it would feel “weird” to go without it.)
If successful, Paxton intends to ask the court to ban the NCAA from permitting trans athletes to compete in women’s sports sponsored or overseen by the group or, at the very least, to prevent the NCAA from referring to those competitions as “women’s” sports and to individually identify each and every trans athlete participating.
Strangely, Paxton does not even attempt to make the equivalent argument that men’s sports are being deceptively advertised when NCAA rules permit the participation of trans dudes. The fundamental thrust of the filing, “Texas consumers are legally entitled to spend their hard-earned dollars on the competitions that matter to them, without being misled,” is precisely as applicable to men’s and women’s sports, but Paxton and others never seem concerned with men’s sports the same way.
Of course, attacking only trans women’s participation is consistent with the long history of anti-trans activism. From at least December 1, 1952, when the New York Daily News published an article, “Ex GI Becomes Blonde Beauty,” outing Christine Jorgensen without her consent, it has been popular to portray trans women as liars intent on deceiving innocent cis people to accumulate undeserved and ill-gotten benefits of one kind or another.
In summary and in conclusion, Ken Paxton thinks he’s the boss of the NCAA, just like he thinks he’s the boss of New York abortion laws, because that’s how all these vile assholes are. The end.
Your friendly, neighborhood Crip Dyke also writes Pervert Justice!
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I think we should all band together and sue Ken Paxton for falsely claiming he's a human being and not just some barely sentient bacterial infection.
Let me guess... Paxton had his nose broken by a spike from a girl in a co-ed volleyball game in high school, and it scarred him for life