Did you come and get SER’s tabs?
It’s funny when they fight :)
We’ve got a one two on the new vaccine and the lunatic Florida surgeon general who thinks God doesn’t want you to have it o.O
We argued about this in the chatcave for a LONG time this morning; Evan thought I was “piling on.” I don’t think I was piling on! But I also don’t think that’s “revenge porn” and we shouldn’t just say things to say them!
The Correct Answer To 'That Democrat Did Porns On The Internet!' Is 'YUP!'
This is v much my favorite:
“Putin would never persecute a political opponent, of course, it’s just that all his political opponents have terrible balance around windows and poor judgment about how much nerve agent to sprinkle on their dinner and how their planes should get from the sky to the ground.”
This is just a really good student loan debt relief form. Thanks, activists!
Trigger warning for this entire woman.
They’re so weird, y’all!
For your OPEN THREAD, I think Charlie Kirk might have accidentally stepped in the vicinity of the truth.
See you tomorrow!