Patriot Front Hollers In Nashville, Right-Wingers Pretending They Don't Know Her Either
So many people, places and things right-wingers have never heard of!
Have a nice weekend? Throw some burgers and dogs on the grill? Dance to some techno with your bestie?
You may have been relaxing, but at least 100 members of Patriot Front put on some matchy outfits with masks, hotboxed each other crammed into the back of some steamy U-Hauls, then marched through downtown Nashville, hollering “RECLAIM AMERICA” and throwing in a “Sieg Heil” or two, while flapping American flags, the Bo and Luke Duke banner, and a few selections from the Alito flag collection.
And then of course the right wing cried FEDS! I DON’T KNOW HER! Because that is what they do every single time, just like after their other rallies.
Uh huh.
Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee (whose Xitter handle is “at BasedMikeLee”) posted video of the outing on Saturday claiming he has “never heard of” Patriot Front. “I’ve never heard of this group[.] Any chance this is a false flag operation?”
“So much uniformity. It hardly has the feel of a grassroots, patriotic group. I don’t think I’ve never [sic] seen one that looks or acts like this.”
That’s not very based of you, Mike! Uh, did you look at the picture? Not a single one of those dudes has a pair of khakis that fit them properly, and their boots are a mess.
But sure, it’s feds and Antifa. Or maybe it’s Eric Trump, Stephen Miller and some guys they hired off of Craigslist. Who could possibly even say!
Let’s catch Mike Lee up.
Patriot Front is the successor to Vanguard America, after the white supremacists got very I DON’T KNOW HER following the car-ramming mass injuries and murder of Heather Heyer during the “Unite the Right” rally by Hitler-lover James Fields in 2017, who’d been spotted marching with Vanguard in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier that day.
The now-leader of Patriot Front, Thomas Rousseau, switched over Vanguard’s website and Discord server to re-fashy-fashion the group, which got new hats, and got to keep the khakis and mirror shades. The group had about 230 members in 2021, and according to the Anti-Defamation League, they generated 82 percent of 3,992 incidents reported in 2021 involving distributing racist, antisemitic types of propaganda. Utah was a top 10 state for said propaganda! If Mike Lee saw a banner on Utah’s I-215 that said RECLAIM AMERICA with their web address on it, it was them. They’re a group small enough to fit in a single movie theater, but they sure are a bunch of busy little beavers, crafting those leaflets and signs and organizing their tight-pants get-togethers.
Rousseau and company believe that as white dudes they are the biggest victims alive, so therefore they should get to be the boss and rule over us all, on account of their superior genes and fashion sense. And if you don’t let them be in charge they will be replaced and enslaved! Because that’s obviously the dream of every person who isn’t a white man, to own a professional shitposter in ass-hugging pants, who turns out screeds like this:
Those of foreign birth may occupy civil status within the lands occupied by the state, and they may even be dutiful citizens, yet they may not be American. Membership within the American nation is inherited through blood, not ink. Even those born in America may yet be foreign...Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding stock of our people, and those who do not share the common spirit that permeates our greater civilization, and the European diaspora...In order to survive as a culture, a heritage, and a way of being, our nation must learn that its collective interests are fighting against its collective threats of replacement and enslavement...The damage done to this nation and its people will not be fixed if every issue requires the approval and blessing from the dysfunctional American democratic system. Democracy has failed in this once great nation.
Perhaps these guys should apply to the Heritage Foundation, which is making affirmative action positions in the Trump administration for guys like them!
Patriot Front’s flag looks like this. Does anyone else think it looks like the T-shirt cannon that shot Maude Flanders? It’s supposed to be a fasces, with an ax taped to a bundle of sticks, because they love fascist Italy, and Rome, and stuff.
Their greatest hits include defacing a water tower in Michigan, vandalizing a memorial to Arthur Ashe in Richmond, and 31 members getting arrested on charge of conspiracy to riot outside of a Pride parade in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, with a smoke grenade, where they were also hotboxing each other’s farts in the back of U-Hauls. Do they have a U-Haul frequent customer punchcard? You can see their mugshots here, and yeah, they’re all weird-looking.
Mike Lee can also read about how they were infiltrated by left-wing activist David Capito, allegedly of the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club, who photographed and recorded them, hacked their computers and dumped their data. Now they’re suing: “Not because they allege Capito spread misinformation about them — they fully admit to being affiliates of the group. Rather, because they insist they had a reasonable ‘expectation of privacy with respect to their Patriot Front membership.’”
For guys who are supposedly all about white pride, they sure have a lot of vergogna!
[SPLC / Rolling Stone]
All these fuckheads complaining that they want a white ethnostate that writes the oppression of queers and women into law and yet so few of them move to Utah.
Jesus but Mike Lee is a stupid muthafucka. His "plausible deniability" re his fashy party's affiliation to Nazis ain't too plausible, but he thinks we are buying his dodges. Dude, ever heard of Project 2025?