QAnon Prophet: Trump To Get Endorsement From Dead Celebrity Of Some Sort
It's obviously Elvis, right?
Trump Prophet Johnny Enlow has a new and very exciting announcement — a big time celebrity is going to endorse Donald Trump! And not just any celebrity, mind you. A dead celebrity! Or, we can assume, a celebrity who faked their own death and is coming out of hiding now just to give Trump a boost, because of how he is doing so very terribly in the polls.
Unless it’s a zombie celebrity, because it could be a zombie celebrity.
“I have become aware, in a conclusive way, that there is a major name star that has been assumed to be dead for a long time,” Enlow told Steve Shultz of Elijahlist dot com during a recent discussion captured by Right Wing Watch. “I’m just not allowed to say who it is right now.”
“You didn’t tell me you were going to say that, but now I know who you’re talking about,” Shultz said, shaking his fists like pom-poms. “Yes, that’s going to be exciting.”
“I’m not even sure you do,” Enlow responded, “but that’s possible.”
The two agreed that there is more than one Not Dead Celebrity Trump Supporter that it could be, with Shultz explaining that “if you’re a person who visits the patriot channels, you can probably narrow it down to one or two.”
“This is somebody interacted with in the last few days,” Enlow divulged.
“You interacted with this person?” asked Shultz.
“Well, let’s just say the person’s security,” Enlow said. “I’m not supposed to say too much, because if they don’t see that it’s the right timing, I don’t want to mess that up for them or anybody else.”
So who do we think it is?
Now, JFK Jr. is the obvious choice because they’ve been on about him being alive for some time now, but would he be accurately described as a “star”? I’m not so sure. My guess, personally, would be Elvis. Or Jesus, whom we know has a tendency to come back from the dead. Maybe Reagan? Anne Heche? Some of them think Anne Heche faked her own death. Ken Kesey faked his own death once, could have done it twice, but I highly doubt he’d be a Trump guy. What celebrities do these people even like?
Oh wait. Maybe it’s Isaac Hayes come back from the dead to say that Trump can use “Hold On, I’m Coming” after all. (It is definitely not that.)
I mean, if a celebrity were to come back from the dead to endorse Donald Trump, would the latter even be the big news there? I don’t think it would be. Pretty sure everyone would be far more focused on what 89-year-old Elvis Presley had been doing all these years and, I assume, issuing some very sincere apologies to our nation’s supermarket tabloids.
Jeffrey Epstein?
I mean, Kid Rock, Chachi, Jon Voight, Ted Nugent, and Roseanne Barr are all dead celebrities in a way, no?