Russian Media SHOCKED By Credible Marjorie Taylor Greene Claim That Biden Tried To Have Trump Killed
Concerning, if true!
In Russia, where political violence is frowned upon and unheard of as long as you stay away from windows, stairs, jagged surfaces, flag surfaces, eating, drinking, pills, doorknobs, airplanes, friends, and family, the media is outraged by totally credible reports coming out of the United States that say Joe Biden literally ordered the assassination of Donald Trump.
And it must be true, because we know how carefully Russia vets things before it just goes and tells its happy, hopeful, non-alcoholic population!
Surprise, Russia is getting its news here from one of its favorite buck-toothed bumpkins (we know “B” words too), Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is actually so stupid she probably truly believes the propaganda she is spreading. She did [SNOOOOORT] her own [ARMPIT FARRRRRRRT] research, after all.
“The FBI planned to kill Donald Trump: details revealed in the USA,” one popular Kremlin-friendly newspaper blared, citing the “popular” Republican congresswoman.
The claim was pushed out by top state-run outlets like RIA Novosti and Sputnik, and feverishly shared by a vast network of pro-Kremlin social media channels.
“The owners of the White House have completely removed all taboos. They are not only killing leaders outside the country, but even in America they are not above this,” wrote the well-known Kremlin “war correspondent” Andrei Rudenko.
“Oh, these rotten old men really don’t want to lose power, oh, they don’t want to... But, I hope, they will have to. And all these murders remind me personally of the throes of a wild beast before death,” he wrote on Telegram.
“Republicans fear for Trump’s life,” another outlet wrote, claiming he is in “serious danger.”
Cool, sounds legit. It’s funny because Vladimir Putin will literally poison any of those journalists to death if they run afoul of him, and he’ll do it by dinnertime! Or he’ll do it to their families!e LOL!
Russia should definitely tell us more about what Moscow Marge, a traitor, told them about America.
Greene is telling us more, on Twitter. Here is her latest screed, where she explains why she’s posting the American flag upside down like traitor trash.
Golly Jesus, MTG, if you want to go out on a date with Samuel Alito, just send him a Jewish space candygram!
Obviously, MAGA claims that Biden tried to have Trump killed were debunked before they had even made their journey from Marjorie Taylor Greene’s underpants into the toilet. The FBI followed its standard protocol in the Mar-a-Lago search, according to the very documents MAGA is citing to say otherwise. They are able to get away with these lies because they know with 100 percent accuracy that their voters are too stupid and lazy to know know to check their work.
And in Russia, they can get away with it because Russia is a failed society where they tell their citizens things like this about America to distract them from the humiliation they feel when they open their eyes and look around and them and see what a landfill their once glorious nation has become.
Ha Ha! or however you laugh derisively in Russian.
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Trump: Biden tried to assassinate me!
Media: Sure, it’s not truthful but we’ll allow it. It’s not our job to pick sides.
Biden: Hey these polls are a bunch of malarkey!
Media: Is Biden in denial of his bad poll numbers? That’s against the rules. He won’t get away with this. Not on our watch!
One more thing:
"And in Russia, they can get away with it because Russia is a failed society where they tell their citizens things like this about America to distract them from the humiliation they feel when they open their eyes and look around and them and see what a landfill their once glorious nation has become"
Yeah, that's what happens when you hand over your nation's resources & governance to unaccountable greedy billionaires...oh shit...