Sexy Bad Boy JD Vance Said A Curse About Kamala. Sorry For The First Part Of This Headline.
Poked pigs will squeal.
After old Bonespurs J. Drumpf made a grinning, thumbs-up display of himself disrespecting the dead at Arlington Cemetery on Monday for a TikTok video — yep, campaign’s going great! — JD Vance responded in the most Republican way possible, with some angry, stupid lies for his slack-jawed supporters who failed ninth grade government class to RAH RAH and HAW HAW at.
At a campaign event in Erie, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, the totally normal alleged couchumper had this to say:
“Three years ago, 13 brave, innocent Americans died, and they died because Kamala Harris refused to do her job, and there hasn’t been a single investigation or a single firing. Sometimes mistakes happen — that’s just the nature of government, the nature of military service. But to have those 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful. Kamala Harris is disgraceful. If we’re going to talk about a story about the 13 Americans, it’s that Kamala Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won’t even do an investigation into what happened, and she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up. She can, she can go to hell.”
Ugh, it’s the smiling smirk, the running his fingers through his hair! The only person who apparently dislikes this guy more than I do is the hairdresser who gave him that bowl-topped undercut. Was it supposed to be Richard Spencer-y? Look how proud of himself he is that the dummies are cheering for his lying, unpatriotic bullshit. You did it, JD, you said a curse! And they liked it, they really liked it! Maybe she can, she can go to hell will go viral and be a catchphrase for bumper stickers, and then everybody will forget that David Lynch movie he starred in about ordering a doughnut!
But how about the fucking lying from this guy. As Vice President, Kamala Harris couldn't have done some kind of investigation if she wanted to, because that is not her job. You know it, I know it, and surely, hopefully, the dickweed weirdo who wants to take her Black job knows it too.
Also, there WAS an investigation, it was ordered by the US Army Central Command, and went on for two entire years. It interviewed more than 190 people in 24 locations. They concluded that the Abbey Gate at Kabul airport (which earlier in his speech Vance calls “Abbey Road”) was bombed by a single suicide bomber. His name was Abdul Rahman al-Logari, and he was one of the 5,000 members of ISIS that Donald J. Trump negotiated to be released from prison, against the wishes of the Afghan government. JD Vance could’ve Googled all that himself, if he gave one actual shit. He was in this crowd somewhere, and the servicemen and women did not spot him.

Also, as a commenter noted on yesterday’s newsletter, we did fire the person responsible for those 13 deaths: Donald Trump, who instrumented the most idiotic, non-strategic drawdown of troops in the history of human warfare, then left Biden to try to maneuver around the virtual landmines left in every possible extraction pathway in order to try to bring home the remaining people.
Everything about the US involvement in Afghanistan is tragic, starting with how George Dubya Bush got us into it in the first place, less than a month after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, even though not a single terrorist was Afghan. Fifteen of them were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt, and one was from Lebanon. And the responsible party, Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, was not holed up there. Instead he was playing Super Mario Brothers and watching porn in Pakistan, the country next door. George W. Bush was never big on details.
And it was Barack Hussein Obama’s army who found Bin Laden sleeping in his compound on May 1, 2011, killed him, and dumped his body into the sea.
It was kind of a big deal at the time, in case anybody else fucking forgot.
The war in Afghanistan cost 2,459 American military lives, there were 1,822 civilian contractor fatalities, and many US moral principles were compromised along the way. There were also 65 military deaths while Trump was president. Why did he wait for nearly four years to try to end the war?
But JD Vance doesn’t respect these people and their families enough for even a Google.
Imagine this guy as commander-in-chief someday. This guy cannot order a doughnut. He is incapable of finding a decent barber.
How are the polls even close?
And this is the button that gives Wonkette money. You could press it, if you want to!
In a stunning election victory, for the mayor's office of Tulsa Oklahoma, Christian Nationalist Brent VanNorman came in third Tuesday. All precincts have reported.
As such the two top vote-getters go to a run-off election on November 5. Both candidates are Democrats. That flips the mayor's office in Tulsa.
"a single suicide bomber. His name was Abdul Rahman al-Logari, and he was one of the 5,000 members of ISIS that Donald J. Trump negotiated to be released from prison, against the wishes of the Afghan government"
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