Trump Thought Disabled People Too Expensive, Maybe Should Just Die
Including his own nephew.
In news that will shock no one, a relative of Donald Trump’s has written a new book about what he’s really like behind closed doors, and it says he’s the most heartless piece of dogshit who ever took up oxygen.
This book comes from Fred Trump III, the brother of Mary Trump, who wrote her own memorable book and has been a powerful dissident voice against her uncle ever since.
The thing is, though they are siblings — the children of Trump’s late brother Fred Jr., who died many years ago in 1981 — Fred III wasn’t too keen on Mary’s tell-all book at the time, and made a statement to that effect. He has clearly since changed his mind, and his new book All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got to Be This Way provides his own look at how Donald Trump, his uncle, thinks disabled people should die.
Including Fred III’s own disabled son.
As the New York Times explains, Fred III was much closer to Trump, sounds like.
He attended the 2017 inauguration (he writes that he had a better seat than John McCain) and visited the White House several times (the book includes a picture of its author sitting behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office).
Once, while in the Oval Office, the elder Mr. Trump insisted that his nephew stay in the room for a phone call he was about to have with King Abdullah of Jordan. He put the call on speakerphone, so his nephew could hear the king thank Mr. Trump for killing an Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. “I killed him,” the former president boasted in front of his nephew, according to the book. “I killed him like a dog.”
Just your typical “My uncle is the president and gets to throw ketchup at elegant presidential walls!” stuff.
But then there was this one meeting, which Fred III pulled together with Ivanka and Ben Carson and some others, because of how Fred’s own child is severely disabled. He thought hey, maybe the fact that my uncle is president can help me do some good here. And in the meeting, Trump “seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they’d made to care for their profoundly disabled family members,” says Fred.
But then afterward:
After the meeting, Fred Trump claims, his uncle pulled him aside and said, “maybe those kinds of people should just die,” given “the shape they’re in, all the expenses.”
Maybe those kinds of people should just die. Too expensive.
Then a couple years later, he said it more explicitly about Fred’s own child:
A couple of years later, when he called his uncle for help because the medical fund that paid for his son’s care was running out of money, Fred Trump claims his uncle said: “I don’t know. He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”
It’s that last part that gives us certainty that it happened exactly as Fred III says. Let your kid die so you can enjoy life, my guy! Come down to Mar-a-Lago and party with Uncle Donald and all the ladies with big knockers who hang out there!
And yes, this is the Fred III, son of Fred Jr., who along with his sister Mary was famously cut out of Fred Trump Sr.’s will, and when the kids contested it, Donald Trump retaliated by cutting off medical care for Fred III’s severely disabled child, then an infant. “I was angry because they sued,” Donald explained.
Fred also writes that a long time ago, his uncle Donald used the N-word when whining about some car of his that got damaged. We believe that too.

Hey Remember That Time Trump Called 'Celebrity Apprentice' Contestant The 'N'-Word? This Guy Does.
Of course, Trump’s taint-licker spokesman Steven Cheung says allllll of this is “fake news,” because lying for Donald Trump is literally Steven Cheung’s job.
Fuck that guy.
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Just a matter of time before Trump openly says "useless eaters" and those "unworthy of life" should be allowed to die, or that they be given help in the process.
The world has been here T-4
I've written here before about my downs niece who died in January. She was on dialysis for ten years and finally everything just gave out. This hits really close to home for me. When she was born doctors said to not expect her to live past 25. She turned 48 just before she died. We had her with us a lot longer than we ever expected and she enriched our lives every day she lived. PAB thinks she was an expense and not a person. I wish I believed in hell so I could god damn him to it.