Oy. This weekend, Bill Maher invited white Santa stan Megyn Kelly on for a friendly chat about literally every single ant in her pant, and in a classic case of “Who could have foreseen that?” she ranted about exactly the things that Republican candidates for office are making way too many TV ads about right now.
Yes, it’s time for another episode of “What Is Megyn Kelly Being A Transphobic Asshole About Today?”
KELLY: Almost equally important [as fascist Joe Biden fascistly forgiving student loans], maybe as important is the — what we’re doing to our children with this trans insanity. I mean this is almost my single issue. We are chopping off the healthy body parts of young children without … [disbelieving noises from crowd] Oh, 100 percent we are doing that.
MAHER: Well, we are definitely doing that.
KELLY: Without any inquisition into what’s happening.
MAHER: Because that’s what it is. So I don’t know what the ooh-ing is about.
KELLY: I don’t — I don’t either. Pay attention, I’m about to give you a truth bomb: Kids who are suffering from bullying or who have been sexually assaulted or who are going through normal puberty and feel uncomfortable in their bodies will say to their parents, “I’m not sure, maybe I’m gender confused.” They will send them into a psychiatrist or psychologist who are told by our organizations — the American Psychiatry Association and all the others that run their licensing — “You must affirm.” Affirm is the only standard. And so the child gets told, “You’re right, you are secretly a boy or vice versa.” And the child is put on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones which sterilize the child and deprive the child of any chance of sexual pleasure for the rest of his or her life. We’re talking about nine-, 10-, 11-year-olds, who cannot give informed consent. Then they have body parts chopped off by a medical establishment and by parents who mean well but believe in these doctors and they shouldn’t. And when they inevitably get past the awkwardness of puberty or what-have-you and they want to turn around and detransition, those who love-bombed them on Reddit saying “come on in, the water’s fine,” abandon them, they are depressed. They have changed their bodies forever in a way that is irreversible. And we are all sitting back and saying, “It’s a remote issue,” as Kamala Harris said. It’s not remote. It’s the issue of our times both with respect to children and women’s rights.
MAHER: Well, let’s back up a little on that …
Yes. Let’s.
This clip went viral when some right wing polemicist named Eric Abbenante posted it to Twitter as a gotcha for the libs, commenting, “Liberals are more disgusted at hearing the truth, than they are at adults chopping off body parts of children.”
Except yes and no.
Let’s take a look:
We are chopping off the healthy body parts of young children
When surgeries happen that remove non-gangrenous body parts, the surgeons removing said body parts are, indeed, adults. We will give that one to Meggin and Eric, although counterpoint.
We will further give them that very many people are not disgusted to hear that children’s body parts have been chopped off even when those body parts are healthy, if doctors are performing circumcisions or nose jobs or boob implants or breast tissue reduction. Ironically it might be true that liberals are more disgusted than conservatives on the first three, but since our Brave Heroes didn’t say anything about the level of conservative disgust, we’ll count this another one in favor of Magaan and Eric’s outrage at insufficient outrage.
That said, to the extent that there are any surgeries on children at all, Yr Wonkette has literally never heard of any that target children’s down there parts, while chest surgeries are limited to children 16 and up, are performed rarely, and are the same surgeries given to cis children far more often. For trans kids, these rare surgeries are only performed when careful consideration by doctors determines that the benefits outweigh the risks. For cis kids, it’s plastic surgery anyone can access — even bullied or sexual assaulted kids, yet Kelly doesn’t mention that.
Next up?
Kids who are suffering from bullying or who have been sexually assaulted or who are going through normal puberty and feel uncomfortable in their bodies
Yes, kids go through these things. Perhaps conservatives would like to promote anti-bullying programs and shut down organizations that systematically support child rapists and provide kids with timely and thorough sex education that helps them understand that there are a wide variety of experiences that are normal?
Hahahahahahaha. We kid ourselves so hard at Wonkette.
[Kids] will say to their parents, “I’m not sure, maybe I’m gender confused.”
Of course you’re gender confused. Hundreds of millions of Americans are confused. Fortunately, you can take college courses for that.
Affirm is the only standard. And so the child gets told, “You’re right, you are secretly a boy or vice versa.”
Wait, what? Assuming that “affirm is the only standard” (it isn’t, but go with us here) and the child says that they’re confused, the affirming position is, “Okay, I believe you that you’re confused. Let’s talk.” What Kelly is describing is the exact opposite of affirming care. As Yr Wonkette has explainered previously:
The gender affirmation [anti-trans writer Pamela Paul complains about] isn’t doctors telling patients that they’re trans regardless of their actual experience. […] What has come to be known as the gender affirmation model is when doctors tell a client that they can do whatever and that’s actually fine. Staff affirm us as we are, and they affirm us as we grow and change. What it is is a patient-centered approach.
Affirmation was developed as a conscious alternative to the “doctor knows best” model that hurt so many and which trans people themselves fought to change. You can even see those changes in successive versions of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)’s eight “standards of care” statements since 1979.
We will chalk this one up as a “no.”
And the child is put on puberty blockers and cross sex hormones which sterilize the child …
Uh, no? Puberty blockers aren’t used because “affirmation.” Rather they are used when clinically significant distress is deemed by an expert to be likely caused by gender dysphoria and can be expected to be likely relieved by hormone therapy. As the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care version 8 (SOC-8) states, an assessment is required before any and every medical intervention, as well as monitoring ongoing treatments to ensure they continue to be useful or necessary. Also, too, puberty blockers’ effects are reversible and do not cause sterility. “Cross sex hormones” can sometimes cause sterility, but most frequently do not.
So a definite “no,” here as well.
[Puberty blockers and cross sex hormones] deprive the child of any chance of sexual pleasure for the rest of his or her life.
Oh dear. No chance of sexual pleasure?
How is it possible that trans people are sexually deranged hedonists who willingly mutilate ourselves for an extra gender-reveal party with a side of spontaneous orgasms and also, too, never experience sexual pleasure in our long lives?
Having watched numerous documentaries involving horny sauna sexcapades, mattress saleswomen desperate for increased commissions, and/or breasts escaping lycra tops during improbable elevator accidents, Yr Wonkette is prepared to conclude that some quantity of sexual pleasure is, indeed, being experienced by your local trans person.
And while we here at Wonkette did not ever expect our personal experience mouthing metoidioplastic wang to be relevant to national politics, it is also possible for this author to attest that this sexual pleasure is restricted neither to AMAB folks nor to Pre-Op/Non-Op persons. This is something even Morganna LeKelly could know if she just googled “hot trans guy blowjob” and paid a fair price for her Shiri Allwood + Austin Spears porn. (Might as well spend some of those NBC severance bucks on something ethical.)
To sum up, none of this looks bad for liberals or good for conservatives.

Megyn Kelly Calls On Her Billions Of Fans To Boycott Taylor Swift For LMAOOOOO Fuck Off Megyn Kelly
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I just wanted everyone to know that I watched that Shiri Allwood+Austin Spears video out of a commitment to journalistic integrity and an awareness of the importance of trans sex lives in this election cycle. It takes careful media analysis to confirm that the video does, indeed, depict post-transition sexual pleasure.
I have a five year old son whose favorite color is pink. And he loves flowers and rainbows. It's all he wants to wear. We shop in the girls section of Old Navy for him because the boys section is exclusively red, blue, green and brown, dinosaurs and trucks. There is zero indication to date he has ANY body dysphoria (he certainly seems to like his penis well enough ;) or feels he is a girl trapped in the wrong body. If that emerges, I am here for it, we'll work through it. He's five so who the fuck knows about his sexuality. My point is GENDER IS A CONSTRUCT. This idea that there is "femininity" (pink, flowers, hearts, kitchens, gardening, cleaning!) and "masculinity" (dinos, robots, pew pew guns, superheroes, the color blue) is fucking ridiculous and derivative and stifling and oppressive, so no wonder there are tons of kids who are "confused." My kid some day is probably gonna be like, where do I fit because I am a boy (and perhaps even a cis-het one) who loves cooking and pink and gardening and "softer" things and he is CONSTANTLY counter-instructed by culture that everything he likes is "wrong" for boys and "unmanly"? My mother and some friends actually wind up concerned I send him to school in all pink and sparkles in liberal NJ because of "what others might say." I say, bring it the fuck on. I am ready to ride into battle. We strike at dawn.