This morning, there are stories on the front page of Alex Jones’s Infowars about Bill Gates trying to turn all of your food into rubber food, about the joys of “American Monarchism,” about Jake Tapper saying mean things about Donald Trump, a significant amount of Maxine Waters hysteria, updates on James O’Keefe’s latest adventures, news about Kim Dotcom and Alex Jones’s plan to stop an imminent nuclear war — and, of course, how we on the Left are plotting false flag attacks to blame on Trump supporters, because we don’t have anything better to do. Please! As if we are not living in a world with two concurrent Love Islands happening right now.
There’s also this hilarious poll in which readers are asked why they think the media is claiming that clips of Joe Biden taken entirely out of context are fake (more specifically, they have been called “misleading” simply because they’ve cropped out the paratroopers Joe Biden is talking to to make it look like he’s yelling at ghosts), with one of the answers being “They hate you.”
Anyway, there may soon come a day when there are no stories on Infowars dot com, because of how it has to be liquidated and sold off to the highest bidder in order to force Jones to pay the Sandy Hook parents what he owes them for spending years claiming their (horrifically slaughtered) children were imaginary, and that anti-gun people staged a false flag in order to enact stricter gun control laws.
Why? Probably because we hate them and just don’t want them to be happy. Definitely not because we don’t like it when kids get mass murdered and also don’t think kids should have to grow up doing mass shooter drills and taking “Stop the Bleed” emergency training courses just in case Alex Jones and friends want to overthrow the government someday.
Via AP:
In an “emergency” motion filed Sunday in Houston, trustee Christopher Murray indicated publicly for the first time that he intends to “conduct an orderly wind-down” of the operations of Infowars’ parent company and “liquidate its inventory.” Murray, who was appointed by a federal judge to oversee the assets in Jones’ personal bankruptcy case, did not give a timetable for the liquidation.
Now, I hate to say it, but that is a going-out-of-business sale I would not mind attending. If only to see if this very attractive clown mask is for sale.
Jones has been saying on his web and radio shows that he expects Infowars to operate for a few more months before it is shut down because of the bankruptcy. But he has vowed to continue his bombastic broadcasts in some other fashion, possibly on social media. He also had talked about someone else buying the company and allowing him to continue his shows as an employee.
That seems like a very good investment for someone who does not mind losing piles of money the next time Alex Jones thinks that crisis actors are responsible for an atrocity. This could happen any day now, what with all the aforementioned “false flag” nonsense.
The families have clarified previously that they don’t care about the money so much as they just know it’s the only way to hurt Jones for what he put them through.
“This was never about the money for us,” Nicole Hockley, parent and co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise, told The Daily Beast back in October. “But taking money is the only way we can hurt Alex Jones. And I think every family is happy to see him hurt, even if only financially.”
Who among us is not?
"Alex Jones's Moral Compass," listed in "AS IS" condition, isn't likely to fetch many bids.
Also there's a huge bin of false flags, no reserve.
Alex Jones died several months ago in an autoerotic asphyxiation episode. The guy claiming to be him is just a crisis actor.