DeSantis Campaign Fired That One Loser With The Nazi Clip-Art, Everything’s Cool Now
Things like this just keep happening, with all Republicans.
Aw man, all of this was highly predictable.
There have been some weird things going on with ads promoting Ron DeSantis lately. Ones with muscly shirtless sex men, meant to show how manly and anti-gay the governor is. One that attempted to demonstrate what a strong fascist guy DeSantis is by showing — over a soundtrack of a fake Kate Bush song sung by somebody who does a really sad Kate Bush impression — all the things Donald Trump failed at, juxtaposed with all the ways DeSantis isn’t afraid to wiggle his fascist weenus around. Headlines about his little slapfights with higher education and his crusade against innocent transgender kids who are too small to punch back.
The governor’s face within a Sonnenrad, a very old symbol absolutely beloved of Nazis and white supremacists. (It means “sun wheel.”)
It all comes across as very limp-dicked Groyper worship of false masculinity, etc.
You know, the usual.
People noticed the Sonnenrad, though.
It had been tweeted through the pro-DeSantis @desantiscams Twitter page, but where did it come from? Haha, surprise, it came from somebody who worked for the campaign, who not only retweeted it from the weirdo Twitter account (and soon deleted it) but also secretly made it. (Reportedly the creepy gay super-homoerotic pro-DeSantis ad was also made by a staffer. Same staffer? Dunno. Winners, all.)
His name is Nate Hochman, he’s a speechwriter, and the DeSantis campaign has now fired him and is refusing to talk about it. He used to write for the National Review.
You have met this loser boy before. Let us journey back in time just a few months! Will it shock you to learn that the Nazi-clip-art-loving DeSantis staffer who made Nazi spank videos about the governor ALSO showed up in this Wonkette piece about Nazi dorks writing Penthouse letters about Tucker Carlson, upon the occasion of Tucker’s firing?
With presumably one hand, Hochman had typed on Twitter:
"Tucker Carlson once called me, out of the blue, because he had heard through friends that I was going through a rough patch. We had never spoken before, but he took 45 minutes out of his night to offer support/advice. It remains one of the most surreal experiences of my life. One of the most powerful men in conservative politics took the time to sit down and call some random 23 year old kid he had never met — just to tell him to hang in there, and to ask if there was anything he could do to help. It’s something I will never forget."
At which point MSNBC’s Chris Hayes bodied him, asking "Was the rough patch when you were caught effusively praising a Nazi incel as a great role model for young men?"
Well, that sure could have been what it was. Hochman was neither "random" nor a "kid" at the time, but he was 23 as he says. But before he slobbered over DeSantis with Nazi symbols, he was slobbering over Tucker Carlson, and before that he was slobbering over actual Nazi incel Nick Fuentes. (Some of these slobbers may have overlapped, to be fair.)
The whole story is in that post, should you like to read it. Boy, Hochman is just a wheel of bringing shame upon his family, isn’t he? Unless his family sucks as much as he does, in which case fuck them all.
So that is who the weak and failing and cash-poor DeSantis campaign fired this week. We are sure they fired Hochman because they were so ashamed of the Nazi fascist ad, haha just kidding they fired him because they’re poor and he got caught. They fired a third of the staff yesterday, 38 people.
So under the bus you go, creeper! He was such a rising star, at least by the debased standards of what Nazi fascist Republicans consider “rising stars.”
Surely nothing like this shall ever happen again, to DeSantis or Donald Trump or any other Republican.
No never.
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I think it was two days ago that I read some dumb headline in the NYT that I'm too lazy to find about DeathSentence's campaign rebooting. Laying off 1/3 of your staff seems the opposite of rebooting, but to be fair, not having read the article, maybe they were talking about jack-booting?
>>With presumably one hand, Hochman had typed on Twitter:<<
Tell me this is an Evan Hurst post without telling me it's an Evan Hurst post.