Kayleigh McEnany So Mad At Hillary Clinton For Doing Thing Kayleigh McEnany Lying About Hillary Clinton Doing
Cry more.
Look who’s got a whole stinky angry upper lip like she smelled somethin’ funny. It’s old Kayleigh “Milktoast” McEnany!
We guess she learned her lesson after that one time she ran afoul of her lord and savior Donald Trump by saying some poll numbers that were not as perfect as he might have liked. She has of course joined the chorus of Upset Ursulas who are defending Trump’s honor on the TV, after he so embarrassingly caught his 79th, 80th, 81st, 82nd, 83rd, 84th, 85th, 86th, 87th, 88th, 89th, 90th and 91st felony charges last night in Georgia.
In the clip we will feature for our end of day dessert post, the one where we discuss what the moral of today’s stories are and reflect on how America can do better tomorrow, Ms. McEnany is bein’ a real Kayleigh McGRRRARGHenany about Hillary Clinton’s appearance on the Maddow show last evening.
She is also being a major fucking liar, because she is major fucking liar. When she goes to hell, the devil will be like “Hey bud, those were some good dang lies, and I am the Father of Those, so you know it means something coming from me!” and she’ll be like “Aw shucks” and then they will line dance to that “Rich Men North Of Richmond” song, assuming it is country line dancing night that night, in hell.
In this clip, McEnany is FURIOUS WE SAY FURIOUS that Hillary Clinton went on the Maddow show last night and wouldn’t stop maniacally devil laughing at Trump for being indicted.
The clip begins with a typical braindead Fox News discussion about how it’s fine for Donald Trump to try to overthrow the Republic because “Stacey Abrams” and because he was just asking questions. The chyron? “Hillary Clinton laughs over Trump GA indictment.” Uh oh! Lying garbage trash liars are lying!
McEnany said, “It’s SO GROSS to see her laughing! Positively giddy!” McEnany claimed that after the third indictment, she turned on CNN and there was Hillary Clinton, “cackling!”
Now we don’t know what this lying fucking liar thinks she saw on CNN after the third indictment, but we know that this Fox News segment was about his fourth, and the headline was that Hillary Clinton was laughing.
Which isn’t true.
It is true that Clinton has an uproarious laugh and makes for great screengrabs, but if you actually watched Clinton’s interview with Maddow, you saw that while they kind of laughed briefly about how they didn’t know they’d be talking about this when they set up the interview, the rest of it was quite somber and serious.
And we would know! Because we here at Wonkette FUCKING LOVE IT when Hillary is a dick to these people. We hope if Donald Trump goes to prison, Hillary sends him a Teddy Ruxpin that does nothing but play her laughter on a loop.
But she didn’t do that last night.
“I don’t feel any satisfaction, I feel great, you know, just great profound sadness that we have a former president that has been indicted for so many charges that went right to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive.”
And Hillary Clinton’s commentary continued from there.
And any Fox News pundit or chyron who tells you otherwise is lying, the way they did about Dominion Voting Systems, because that’s the kind of contempt they have for their viewers.
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I thought my dad was improving, but today the nurse told my visiting brother that he said he was going to die soon. Geeze, I hope that’s just him being out of it or maybe throwing a pity party and not him giving up hope. There’s no medical reason for the sentiment, even though he’s old. And my mother is mad because my brother has no patience for it. Man, family.
The Empire State Building in green, white and orange in celebration of India Day.