Maxine Waters Assaults Nancy Mace, Except Not Maxine Waters And Not Assault
Mace had a pro-trans foster-care-youth activist arrested for shaking her hand.

Last night the Rayburn House Office Building hosted an event celebrating the 25th anniversary of a good law: the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999, which focused on helping young adults who age out of foster care and would otherwise be entirely without support at age 18. As one of six co-chairs of the 43-member Congressional Foster Care Caucus, Rep. Nancy Mace was not exactly a required speaker, but she was certainly welcomed by the activists throwing the party and looking for any and every excuse to talk to members of Congress about helping kids and young adults.
That welcome ended badly when James McIntyre, an advocate for foster youth and respected government consultant on foster care policy, shook Mace’s hand after her remarks and asked her to support trans youth. If you know Nancy Mace, who thinks about trans penises more than Mark Robinson does, you know that didn’t go over well. She left the room and called the Capitol Police to report an assault — and a short time later, McIntyre was arrested outside the building, last seen calling for any random nearby lawyer to help out.
Witnesses’ descriptions of what happened were positively bland. From The Imprint:
Elliott Hinkle, a former foster youth and advocate for LGBTQ rights, said McIntyre shook her hand, and made a comment about how many transgender youth are in foster care, adding: “They need your support.”
Which sounds just like what you would expect from McIntyre, who lived in the Illinois foster system from age 3 to 18 and has spoken extensively about his experience growing up gay and being tortured for it. Now an award-winning advocate and “leading policymaker” on foster care issues, he’s put his heart and his work into helping the kids he sees as most vulnerable as well as singlehandedly restoring Yr Wonkette’s faith in humanity this morning.
Meanwhile, Mace wasn’t interested in helping anyone but herself. While McIntyre was being arrested for a handshake, Mace was publicly begging for sympathy as a tragically injured, but heroically resolved, bulwark against trans violence:
Full Text:
I was physically accosted at the Capitol tonight by a pro-tr*ns man. One new brace for my wrist and some ice for my arm and it’ll heal just fine.
The Capitol Police arrested the guy.
Your tr*ns violence and threats on my life will only make me double down. FAFO.
Note for the record that she uses an asterisk in the word “trans” as if it’s something horrible to say, but she felt perfectly happy to speak the slur tr***y just last week in a video that she distributed. At the same time, she’s pushing a narrative that trans people and pro-trans advocates are violent. This isn’t accidental; this is part of her strategy to justify the anti-trans legislation she’s promoting. The more she is able to convince people that trans folks are a threat, the easier it is to arrest trans people for non-violent, entirely normal actions (like peeing in an actual toilet with the door closed). Public accusations are political strategy here.
Many media outlets, credulously and uselessly, are furthering Mace’s bigoted aims by reporting the story only from Mace’s perspective. The Washington Post is a perfectly good example of the trend. But The Imprint (AKA, which specializes in child welfare, youth justice, and youth homelessness, had been inside the room to cover the anniversary celebration and has three witnesses saying that nothing criminal or violent or even unusual happened:
“From what I saw, it was a normal handshake and interaction that I would expect any legislator to expect from anyone as a constituent,” said Hinkle, a consultant who has advised the federal government on issues affecting youth in foster care.
Later, Hinkle said, one of Mace’s aides returned to the reception and asked McIntyre his name and whether he would repeat what he had told the legislator. Two other people who witnessed the interaction confirmed that description of the brief episode.
If you think you couldn’t like Mace less, consider that her address to the group — including current foster youth and their advocates, including McIntyre — featured this delightful line:
“I look forward to working with each and every one of you. God bless you, I will be praying for you.”
Apparently “people who care about trans youth” are not included in “each and every one.”
Now if you’ve gotten this far and thought, “Whoa! But Wonkette! You're implying that it might just be possible that Mace filed a false police report. She would NEVER be so feloniously crazy, right? Right?”
Well, firstly we’re only implying that’s a possibility if The Imprint’s reporting is correct. We’ve never heard of them before, but they seem like they have a good mission and a quick scan of a few other articles include factual, straightforward, and not-excessively political reporting. We like this one on racism, neuroscience, and juvenile sentencing in New York.
But secondly, Yr Wonkette is old enough to remember when Mace took to twitter to get sympathy for being the victim of horrible Antifa vandalism:
She apparently filed a police report in that case (or she implied on twitter that she did) but refused to release her doorbell camera footage or footage from any of her other security cameras to help find the Antifa miscreant who, Crooks & Liars brought to our attention, happened to have handwriting very similar to the Zodiac Killer Unabomber Antifa, no wait, none of those. The handwriting seemed to inexpert eye to match that of … Nancy Mace.
Who could have foreseen that?
Now, we are not saying that Nancy Mace has committed the crime of filing a false police report for the second time as we have not seen the police reports from 2021 (if any) or from last night. But if you believe that she did file reports, and if you believe three eyewitnesses as reported by The Imprint, and if you weren’t exactly impressed by her character after the “Antifa vandalism” incident, then it sure begins to smell a lot like Mace’s dumpster full of garbage is approaching 1000°.

Civil Rights Hero Nancy Mace Just Wants Jan. 6 Suspects Treated With A Little Compassion, You Know?
Your friendly, neighborhood Crip Dyke also writes Pervert Justice!
Crip Dyke already has one whole hundred followers on BlueSky. Better follow her quick or you’ll miss that bandwagon rumbling through!
You know folks, I admit there's room to be ambivalent about wondering out loud if Mace has a penis or if her face is a little too masculine to believe she's cis or whatever. We're all pissed and we're all hurt and we're all dealing with it the best we can. But as the author of this piece, right here, right now, I'm asking you to refrain from public skepticism of Mace's sex OR gender.
I want to live in a world where people don't engage in this intrusive, creepy speculation. I don't control the world, and I don't even control Wonkette, but I'm asking you to hold off on that stuff in this space today.
Just right here, let's make this thread a space that acts like the world isn't a place where it's okay to poke your nose down someone else's pants.
Thank you.
Somewhere a camera is rolling and Nancy Mace is not in front of it. To her, this is a tragedy of immeasurable proportions.