Once upon a time, Elon Reeve Musk, South African immigrant and world’s richest man, called Donald Trump a “stone cold loser,” and told CNBC that Trump’s character didn’t reflect well on the United States. Just a couple of minutes ago, Musk was super rrr grr mad that Twitter under Jack Dorsey had limited the spread of Hunter Biden laptop materials for an entire 24 hours, like some kind of Communist China, because it was hacked private information. That was FREE SPEECH SUPPRESSION, Musk ranted! He was going to TWITTER FILES BOMBSHELL how the Democrats forced Twitter to suppress it!
As it turns out, there was never any government coordination to make Twitter hide Hunter Biden’s candy. And now how the Cybertruck has turned. The New York Times lede-buried a little bombshell of its own on Friday: that when Ken Klippenstein decided to drop a link to the hacked JD Vance dossier, the Trump campaign squawked directly to Elmo to FREE SPEECH SUPPRESSION it. Which he did immediately, suspending Klippenstein’s account as well as any account that shared the hacked materials. And they were not even penis! Just a compilation of publicly available information of the ever-so-many many times that JD Vance had said some sane things before Peter Thiel shook money and power in front of him like a bag of cat treats.
What a couple of fickle felines, Jaydee and Elmo!
Now Elmer is so hotpants for Trump he’s pogo-ing all over the stage in Pennsylvania, har-de-harring that Kamala Harris is not worth killing on his website and to Tucker Carlson, and funding The America PAC for Trump with at least $80 million reported so far, and possibly as much as $180 million.
Elmo’s made at least 109 fawning Trump posts on his web site, set up a Trump campaign “war room” in Pittsburgh, and “has even proposed taking a campaign bus tour across Pennsylvania and knocking on doors himself.” Fucking yikes, imagine seeing those hair plugs on your stoop! Get off my lawn!
What gives with this sudden devotion? No mystery here — $180 million is still only .072% of Musk’s estimated $250 billion fortune. If Trump gets elected, heaven forbid, he will be too busy stealing documents to hand over to Putin and decomposing in front of Fox News to actually run the place, and he was always as suggestible as a hypnotized chicken. So $180 million and a little bit of sucking up to get to be the most powerful person in the world by proxy is a bargain. And they have so much in common! Trump and Emo both want to populate the earth with white babies, fuck over trade unions, and enjoy having sweaty dong-honking sessions together where they moan about how environmental regulations and safety inspections are so ugh unfair to billionaires. The sleepovers will be so fun!
All of that money, and neither one of them can buy the love of a woman. But that is a story for another day!
[New York Times gift link]
If you're not checking in with meme chat, you're missing out. Just two days ago, Rev. Travis posted this, which I think works very well for the topic at hand:
OT woooooooow
She Voted for Trump. Then She Had Two Terrifying Miscarriages in Texas.
In 2023, my sister Victoria spent more than 24 hours hemorrhaging into three diapers when Dallas-area hospitals declined to help her. “I know you’re not supposed to have regrets, but I do,” she said, about supporting Trump. “Look what’s happened.”