Tulsi Gabbard And Laura Ingraham Worried The Left Gonna Get Poor Hitler Fascist Trump Killed
Fox News and its associated buttsniffers spent the weekend letting their projection fantasies spiral out of control. What else can you do when the other side is correctly pointing out that your fairly inevitable nominee is a white nationalist fascist who’s already tried to steal every election he’s competed in, and who incited a terrorist attack against the nation when he lost the second one?
On the Laura Ingraham show Friday night, she and fellow democracy champion Tulsi Gabbard said all the talk about Donald Trump being a fascist is a sinister attempt to get a lone wolf to assassinate Donald Trump. The chyron said it’s the Left’s “blueprint” for 2024, to state out loud who Donald Trump is.
LAURA INGRAHAM: Tulsi, you're saying they're inviting someone to take a shot at Trump. I think you're right.
TULSI GABBARD: Yes, this is what is dangerous. They're sending a message to a rogue actor, a lone wolf saying, "Hey, we need someone to save our country from this modern day Hitler-like person."
Yeah so usually when a “lone wolf” does a “rogue actor” shooting in America, it’s a white Republican guy. We are just saying.
But he is a modern day Hitler-like person, yes he is.
GABBARD: And that is what should alarm every single American.
Fuck you.
GABBARD: This is not how the United States of America is. This is not who we are.
Defending democracy from white fascists is who we are, or at least who we should try to be.
GABBARD: And, yet, this is what these people in positions of power are doing and abusing their power and undermining our democracy, cause in their minds the end justifies the means.
Go fuck yourself.
INGRAHAM: I am terrified for our country right now, given that type of rhetoric.
Go fuck yourself.
INGRAHAM: I mean, unlike the Left, we don't believe in censoring people's speech, but by doing what they're doing and saying what they're saying, they can talk about dog whistles, that's a dog whistle to violence. If Hitler is in waiting, then you've got to stop Hitler.
OMG LOL, but again go fuck yourself.
Similarly, Will Cain, one of the interchangeable Fox News weekend dudes who looks like he doesn’t bathe, bent himself over backward trying to explain that Republicans aren’t projecting, Democrats are projecting! Republicans aren’t trying to destroy democracy, Democrats are! Republicans aren’t doing the bad things YOU ARE DOING THE BAD THINGS:
“I like the phrase, the destroyers of democracy. Now, listen, I don’t know if it’s a matter of human nature, but I definitely know it’s a matter of political strategy, that the Left has engaged successfully for a good half a decade now of accusing their opponents of the sins which they are committing. What they have done is demonize others for the things that they are secretly doing. And it’s been revealed to itself as well through this lens of, you’re a threat to democracy.”
Yeah no, go fuck the pile of rakes you just stepped on.
At least we all agree that destroying democracy is a bad thing. Do we agree on that?
It appears Republicans aren’t happy that Democrats, liberals and other people who love America are sounding alarms right now about how we’re sleepwalking into fascism. One of the most widely read — the one Ingraham and Gabbard were all wee-wee-d up over — is from Robert Kagan in the Washington Post last Thursday (gift link), which argues that a “Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.” That’s the headline, and you should read the entire thing, with your inhaler close by.
Here is just a tiny taste:
It is worth getting inside Trump’s head a bit and imagining his mood following an election victory. He will have spent the previous year, and more, fighting to stay out of jail, plagued by myriad persecutors and helpless to do what he likes to do best: exact revenge. Think of the fury that will have built up inside him, a fury that, from his point of view, he has worked hard to contain. As he once put it, “I think I’ve been toned down, if you want to know the truth. I could really tone it up.” Indeed he could — and will. We caught a glimpse of his deep thirst for vengeance in his Veterans Day promise to “root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream.” Note the equation of himself with “America and the American Dream.” It is he they are trying to destroy, he believes, and as president, he will return the favor.
After going through a long explanation of what that might look like — based on Trump’s own statements and threats and record — Kagan writes:
Should Trump be successful in launching a campaign of persecution and the opposition prove powerless to stop it, then the nation will have begun an irreversible descent into dictatorship. With each passing day, it will become harder and more dangerous to stop it by any means, legal or illegal. Try to imagine what it will be like running for office on an opposition ticket in such an environment. In theory, the midterm elections in 2026 might hold hope for a Democratic comeback, but won’t Trump use his considerable powers, both legal and illegal, to prevent that? Trump insists and no doubt believes that the current administration corruptly used the justice system to try to prevent his reelection. Will he not consider himself justified in doing the same once he has all the power? He has, of course, already promised to do exactly that: to use the powers of his office to persecute anyone who dares challenge him.
Yeah. Read it all.
“You Are Really Not Sufficiently Alarmed,” Charlie Sykes wrote (in the headline) of his newsletter Friday.
David Graham writes in The Atlantic about “The Dual Threat Of Donald Trump,” who is running for president to try to escape prison, and who is promising to prosecute Joe Biden in retaliation.
We could find more links if those don’t make the case sufficiently.
We know what Trump wants to do if he manages to seize power in 2024. He’s told us. And his minions have told us. None of this is a mystery.
And a lot of people have a stake in making that a reality.
For instance, people bellyaching on TV that correctly labeling Donald Trump a fascist and trying to educate Americans on America’s greatest domestic threat — him — is the mean old Left’s evil way of trying to get their Hitler Jesus killed.
Fuck. Off.
[Media Matters / JoeMyGod / Washington Post]
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I can't even have an opinion on this. I can't get by the premise.
Robert Kagan, Charlie Sykes and David Graham are...The Left?
How can one even understand anything, much less analyze an argument and come up with a response, when words don't mean anything.
Bob Kagan? Are you fucking kidding me? Victoria Nuland's husband? Founding member of the Project for a New American Century with Billy Kristol? Reagan/ Kemp/ Schulz/ GHWB protege? Advocate for American military domination of the globe? Cheerleader for every war since the Peloponnesian War? Left?
Forget it. Words don't mean a thing.
The NRA used to have a rhetorical response that said the second Amendment was the only thing preventing a Hitler type to rise in America.
Now that same crowd is horrified that anyone would try and stop Hitler.