I don’t know how this ended up being my job (the newsletter I mean, not Wonkette. I know how that ended up being my job, I BOUGHT IT FOR ME!), and I’m not feeling great today and I still have to do tabs and waaaah waaaaaah, here are all today’s stories.
And finally, your open thread, which Dok just emailed you because I couldn’t get into the back end because my mobile hotspot (our internet’s been out all day) crapped out just in time for end of day so he edited Evan for me, and I said DOK YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO EMAIL THEM and he said BUT THE BUTTON TOLD ME TO and I said YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO IGNORE THE BUTTON DOK and he said BUT THE BUTTON IS A BULLY. So here, have it again.
I’m sorry. I feel like shit. Everything’s so hard today. Maybe I’m getting my period again. Wouldn’t that be terrific.
Okay bye.
Bought it for $42 and a sandwich IIRC.
Feel better soon, please!