Hello loves!
Big news! I finally made a new newsletter called We Never Send Out This Newsletter. So IF you are trying to stop all the damn emails from us, you can click on your face in the upper right hand corner and then uncheck all newsletters except that one, and we will stop sending you emails (including this one!) while you can continue your subscription for commenting and or paying us money purposes!
First you’ll click your icon up there and go to MANAGE SUBSCRIPTION. Scroll down to notifications. Uncheck all the newsletters except that “We Never Send Out This Newsletter,” IF you don’t want to get the newsletters!
Then you can go back up to “settings” and uncheck all these notifications!
Thanks to Paulomatic for STOPPING complaining and STARTING getting real (by making me these nice little graphics) ;)
Now stand by for all of today’s Wonkette stories of news! Which you can now opt out of! :D
I really like Substack. I was already using it to follow the Bulwark and others. It is much easier to go to the Amazon link to shop. Before I would forget to go to the website to connect to it. Plus, I love the option of having a black background for the text. It’s so much easier to read. Awesomeness