InfoWars Reports God's Mood Lighting For HRH Melania, Angel Of Light And Redemption, At Otherwise Satanic Rosalynn Carter Funeral
Maybe it's a bit. Please let it be a bit. Good lord they're serious.
Most news coverage of yesterday’s memorial service for Rosalynn Carter simply noted that the service was attended by Joe and Jill Biden, along with all four living former first ladies — Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush, Michelle Obama, and Melania Trump — and left it at that. A few snarkier sites like Page Six and New York Magazine’s Intelligencer pointed out that, unlike the other first ladies who dressed in black because that’s traditional for a funeral, Ms. Trump chose a grey tweed coat instead. They reported it as a fashion don’t, while at least being relieved that Melania Antoinette left her “I REALLY DON’T CARE DO U?” coat at home.
Chip Carter, Jimmy and Rosalynn’s son, told the Washington Post that regardless of the many mean things Donald Trump has said about his father, it went without saying that Melania Trump would be invited, because “My mother was a gracious person and she would treat everybody with respect, including a former first lady.”
And then there’s Alex Jones’s InfoWars, whose coverage pointed out that only Satanists wear black to a funeral, whereas Melania was singled out for attention by God, who arranged for some light from the windows at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church in Atlanta to fall on her, and her alone, with some slippage, during one part of the service. We have not altered a single bit of this screenshot:
Under the subject heading “Occult & Globalists,” the headline proclaims, “Melania Trump Cast in Angelic Light at Rosalynn Carter Funeral as ‘Evil’ First Ladies Wear Black, Lurk in Shadows.” (“Evil,” is a quote from one of the many tweets in the story, not necessarily the judgement of InfoWars, wink-wink.) Just to make sure readers get the point, the story’s subhead quotes another tweet that said “Take notice how Melania is clothed in the light of God, while the others sit in the dark world they live in with Satan.”
So that’s some serious journalism, and we must all start paying attention to sunlight patterns in all TV news video, that we may better understand God’s communications to humanity. Sure are a lot of demons around these days! Must be the End of Days, or a normal week in rightwing media.
The story also made sure to mention the wingnut conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama is actually a dude, but we wonder if some of the faithful will take issue with InfoWars’ admission that Donald Trump is a former president:
The wife of embattled former President Donald Trump appeared alongside Michelle “Big Mike” Obama, Laura Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Joe and Jill Biden, but received a chilly reception from leftists and mainstream publications who complained she wore light attire, while others wore black.
The story highlighted tweets accusing Michelle Obama and Laura Bush of “glaring” at Ms. Trump, and featured another that, ha-ha, suggested Bill Clinton couldn’t stop staring at her ass, because with MS-Paint, everything is possible. (Seriously, Clinton was looking more or less straight ahead.)
Then it was time to gripe at tweets from “leftists” and to promote tweets from decent patriotic Americans who recognize Melania’s near-divinity.
Here’s another, which may be spoiled some by the fact that a little of God’s Light is also shining on Michelle Obama and Laura Bush, those demons, they don’t count.
A few smartasses figured the guy who’s also randomly lit up five rows behind Melania must also be a favorite of the Almighty, or MAYBE he was Melania’s guardian angel, his cover blown by a TV camera.
In conclusion, we sure are glad that Trumpers are sane normal people who accept reality as it is, and also my solar-powered cat Thornton is clearly God’s Favorite Kitty, the end.
[Page Six / New York / InfoWars]
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All cats are God’s favorite. Ask them and they’ll confirm it.
I also note in that first tweet by Louise, if that is her real name, a large, empty portion of the raised floor is even more blessed that the jerk wearing inappropriate grey to a funeral.
"How to make a funeral for a Democrat First Lady about a Republican First Lady"
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