No Satanic Trees Were Harmed In This Newsletter
It’s your Tuesday news roundup!
I finally finished the Thanksgiving leftovers. Let the Christmas season begin!
We start with some Tabs.
The dumbest living senator has thoughts about the military.
Every day Kevin McCarthy gets less smart.
More on the great globe conspiracy!
School’s back in Portland! Sorry, kids.
Why, it’s almost as if Florida under DeSantis is becoming some kind of republic in which bananas are grown and patronage jobs are distributed to the leader’s pals.
The comma bit is truly over the top.
What a bunch of weirdos.
Here’s a nice time!
Taylor Swift just summoning demons by accident.
See you’ve tomorrow for Tabs!
Dumbest U.S. senator? Tuberville? I dunno. *Serious* competition there, starting with OK's testosterone-addled Sen. Mullin.
Lately, when I try to share Wonkette on twitter, it will not let me. WTF???