Oh Fiddlesticks, Half Mark Robinson's Employees Quit AGAIN.
This time at the lieutenant governor's office, not the campaign office!
Oh nein, bad news for embattled Republican North Carolina gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson again!
Despite his declared intentions to find the guy who did this, and by “this” we mean put these comments on the internet’s porn forums in his name saying that he’s a Black NAZI! and that slavery is awesome and that he peed on his wife’s sister — yeeeeeeahhhLLEGEDLY! — and despite the fact that he says he’s hired a law firm to find the real killer, half his staff at the office just quit again.
(It’s a Trump lawyer that he hired. An idiot one. One that we’ve had very happy good times here at Wonkette laughing at.)
Mark Robinson Said WHAT On The Porn Forums About Loving Transgender Porn And Being A 'Black Nazi'?
We say again because half Robinson’s employees already just quit last week. But that was his campaign staff.
Now it’s all his happy funtimes staff at the lieutenant governor’s office, AKA his day job. (Not to imply that running for his governor is his night job, it’s not a pervert!)
The Charlotte Observer explains that everybody at Mark Robinson’s work quit, we guess they all just happened to find a better employment fit with somebody who isn’t fucking disgusting all at the same time.
Brian LiVecchi, Robinson’s chief of staff and general counsel, he quit.
[Republican Sen. Benton Sawrey], who represents Johnston County, also confirmed the resignations of Director of Government Affairs Nathan Lewis, Policy Director Jonathan Harris and Director of Communications John Wesley Waugh. That is half of Robinson’s staff in the lieutenant governor’s office.
Bye, half of everybody! We’re sure whoever’s left is totally fuckin’ top notch.
As the Observer also notes, this happened the same day Robinson tweeted a video of him sitting at his laptop, allegedly meeting with North Carolina Republican leaders and emphasizing that they all really have to stick together, that this is an all hands on dick deck moment, and that it’s “not the time for intra-party squabbling and nonsense.”
Astute observers were like hmmmmmm, does any human alive want to see a video of Mark Robinson playing on the computer right now? Are those good optics?
It also happened the same day it was reported Robinson had made comments online about how Al Sharpton should be shot — “If the cops wanted to shoot an elderly black man they should have shot Al Sharpton” was the exact comment — and also gross, weird comments about Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey. But he didn’t even make those comments on porn sites, which just goes to show that he doesn’t have to be on porn sites to make gross comments. Why, sometimes he just says gross pig things in public with his out-loud voice!
We are sure whatever people are still working for Mark Robinson are top-notch characters, just like his new very smart Trump lawyer. Either that or maybe they’re going to quit too.
Who can say what life successes await Mark Robinson!
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So glad that Seth Cotlar, one of my favorite historians, is now on Bluesky:
Say what you will about him, but Mark Robinson has definitely taken "onan the libs" to a new level.
I was feeling vaguely sorry for his wife Yolanda Hill Robinson until I read her Wikipedia entry. Cut a bad check to the Girl Scouts, defrauded a childcare meal program, etc. Bad attracts bad I guess.