Senate Republicans Won't Stop Pissing In House Republican Idiots' Biden Impeachment Punchbowl
Bless their hearts.
UPDATE on the impeachment of Joe Biden for “Multitude of Numerous Items” by the babbling dipshits James Comer, Jim Jordan, and the other one who frolicks around behind their pant legs begging for attention: Still not going awesomely.
Here are a couple of updates since the House voted to formalize its impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden for reasons they will hopefully remember to invent at some point, unless they don’t remember because they’re dumb as a bag of dog dicks:
This weekend at some kind of Turning Point USA glee club circle jerk, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene had A FURIOUS at Lindsey Graham for saying on “Meet The Press” that he hadn’t seen any evidence of impeachable acts by Joe Biden.
“How can Lindsey Graham in Washington, D.C. on “Meet the Press” say that he hasn’t seen a smoking gun of evidence, that he doesn’t think that we produced enough evidence to impeach Joe Biden?”
By looking at the utter dearth of evidence and then moving his mouth and saying out loud that there ain’t no evidence.
“Let me ask the American people, do you think that we have produced enough evidence to impeach Joe Biden?”
(The dipshit held out the microphone to the audience, as if a grundle-sniffing auditorium full of MAGA toenail clippings are representative of “the American people.” They are not.)
“Well, I think somebody better run for senator in South Carolina.”
Exactly what Lindsey Graham said was, “If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it.” You might notice that CrossFit McDumbass up there didn’t actually allude to any smoking gun, since there isn’t one.
Graham also said he’s “not worried” about impeaching Joe Biden “right now,” which seems to us a nice way of saying he’s not playing along with this paste-eating, square dancing Republican impeachment folderol.
MEANWHILE, funniest fucking thing ever:
Oklahoma Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin, Mr. Fighty Fists himself, the guy who has an “Oklahoma Values” erectile situation that causes him to be extremely sensitive and unable to act like an adult if somebody is lightly poking fun at him? Also pissing in House Republicans’ impeachment punchbowl.
“The bar is real high. There’s not question about it,” Mullin said in an interview on Newsmax on Friday morning. “It’s got to be a misdemeanor or high crime or treason and the other part has to be committed while he was in office. The current office that he holds. So, what he did as a vice president or what he did in-between the two may not be impeachable.”
Yeah, so Markwayne Mullin doesn’t have a reputation on Capitol Hill for being some kind of intelligent human man or anything. It’s not like people see him coming and it’s like “Oh no! I hope he doesn’t try to recruit me for MENSA again!”
So if that guy is able to see it, by knowing one little tiny basic thing about impeachment, which is that you’re supposed to find something they did while president, then, um, yeah.
Merry Christmas to everyone trying to impeach Joe Biden right now!
You stupid braying pigfucks.
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Oh look, Aunt Pittypat has another case of the vapors.
Pick a side, Lindsey, pick a side.
It’s amazing that Lindsey can’t find the smoking gun with his head so far up Trump’s ass.