Sorry I’m late, I was rewatching Joe’s SOTU with Old Mom and Shy. Look! I blooged it at you here!
Now we are watching Katie Britt (I watched it last night obviously) and my mom and son and husband are all yapping instead of paying ATTENTION. ATTENTION MUST BE PAID!
Girl, damn.
Some more SOTU coming at you! Like this important Wonkette investigation!
George Santos was there!
George Santos, Pulitzer Prize Winner And Rangers All-Star Goalie, Returns To Run For Congress Again
Oh did Joe talk about (FINALLY) fixing the lead pipes? Well Kris Kobach is. not. having. it.
And finally!
Were there other topics of conversation today? Sure why not!
There were some tabs!
And furthermore!
Always listen to Tom Hanks. SO HE CAN EAT THE BABIES.
I don’t even have anything for this. Robyn does though!
Let’s talk about this cat.
What time is it? It’s time for this drink!
Come see us over the weekend for more stories, GOODBYE!
TV: Stupid folk doing stupid folk things. So we can make fun of it! Ah. Modern life rocks!
You go and watch that OHJBSOTU. It'll make you happy.