Wonkette's day of news was fighting it out for postal supremacy!
There can be only one.
Only Evan has been sending your end of day roundup newsletter at you the past few weeks. I’m tired, yes, always, and also right at end of day I’m busy with the tabs and the kids and occasionally dinner and usually a drink and also I don’t wanna.
Today’s stories were so damn good, every single time I kept wishing I could send each of them at you. So here we are. You and me. In a newsletter thingie.
Be ready to read.
There were tabs. That’s fine, you gotta know what your day’s gonna look like. Good, bad, up and down? A day as YEESH as all others? Yes.
Then I sent you this one, which I figured you would like with Old Sunset Boulevard in the courtroom there.
Robyn previewed this Supreme Court Idaho emergency room abortion hearing. It was important! But I had already sent you Evan’s.
Then Marcie wrote about David Pecker, a long-forgotten bit player in the Trump cinematic universe. But I had already sent you Evan’s.
And THEN! A DOUBLE NICE TIME! Goddammit Dok!
Get it, like the double rainbow guy? Sigh, old.
Then I was bitching about how all the posts were too good, and I wanted to send them all, and Evan helpfully informed me I’d want to send this one too.
This was aggravating!
This was not ;)
And LOLing at poor baby James.
A GENTLE reminder that we rely on the kindness of our internet strangers to keep this hubba bubbling. If you are a free subscriber and CAN afford to pay us for our work, and if you’ve had a long enough time to decide whether we’re worth it, you can do it through this subscribe button,
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Only 148 paid subscribers to go which is like the same number as last week, so that’s terrible! Don’t make me do an actual tap dance, ow my bunion.
OK love you bye!
"yes, I'm tired"
Tired of being admired, Rebecca?
I love the Wonkette roundup. Thank you so much!