There were some tabs!
That’s a lot more stealing than we knew!
In the ongoing series:
Four assholes:
This still manages to shock, for now.
And whoever on Blue Sky said the worst person in California this weekend was the person convincing Gavin Newsom he should be president (and thus getting him to veto things like $35 insulin), CORRECT. And also, he signed a couple good things this week in addition to the hundred awesome things he vetoed. Fuckin Gavin, SIGH.
I am finally finally FINALLY almost calmed down from yelling at you SO HARD to SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. You all were really nice, and I owe 70 of you a note in return. Maybe tomorrow. Probably tomorrow. I love you very much. And the four, count them four of you who split, well, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Hooper emailed me and asked if we needed an Emergency Cocktail. The answer was yes.
Just want to donate once? We got you.
We love you, Rebecca. You are the mad mommy some folks apparently need.
Absolutely. This is my first post after being a fly in the wall for. Couple of years. You had me at “Damn It.” So resonate with your compassion and drawing the line on this. This is not debatable.