Wonkette's News Of Today Is READY, STEADY, GOOOOOOO!
Afternoon post roundup!
We here at Wonkette are getting ready for BIG OLE BATE tonight — don’t worry, we will email you at 8:30 pm with the link for LIVEBLOOG! — and we’ve all signed up to go to other people’s houses for them! (Will that impact our liveblooging abilities? WHAT DOESN’T?) Go to kamalaharris.com and click on “take action” to find one near you!
Here’s what Evan wrote to hold you over the next almost four hours!
And here’s what he wrote this morning to yell at the New York By God Times. Man, they almost tried, didn’t they? Almost.
Kamala hugged a lady and the wingnuts are furious!
RFK Jr., doing a fuck?
It gets worse from here; Robyn’s working on it for tomorrow >:-[
Here’s one!
Here is some Old Handsome Joe Biden fun!
And here is the literal opposite.
We miss this Michele Fiore gal, below. But Robyn couldn’t find a spot in the post for a SPECIAL MICHELE FIORE RELATED TREAT, so I guess you’d better hit up tomorrow’s tabs, where I will have brought you such a present!
See you bright and early for MYSTERY TABS!
I'm signed in for Boise tonight and looking forward to buying Dok a drink or sharing time anyway!
Go, Penzy’s!!!