Hello evening Wonkette friends! I am dicking around with trying new ways to get you to click more things. Tonight let’s leave our fancy little embeds and just do this, which is somehow MORE work!
Things to read and news and nonsense and whatnot, it’s your morning tabs!
Tim Scott seems to think workers do not “work.” Tim Scott's Had It With Lazy Bums Who Build Our Cars, Keep Planes From Crashing
This lady dumb. Judge Boxwine Knows What Causes MURDERRRRRR, It Is Participation Trophies
Did you watch? Was it good? Both its? LIVE: Choose Your Own Adventure! Merrick Garland Or IRONMAN Secretary Mayor Pete?
Sure sure, why not. Guess Ron DeSantis Running For President Against Nancy Pelosi We Mean Kevin McCarthy Now
Yay! WaPo SHOCKER: Clean Energy Is Clean, Actually! (Yes, Including EVs)
This one was a real stumper, and I don’t mean Trump’s dick :( Was Trump Telling Aide To Lie When He Told Her To Lie? New York Times Helps ABC With The Hard Questions
Somebody put that poor old horse out to pasture. A Metaphor That Applies To Joe Klein's Latest Newsletter: F*ck Off
WHIPLASH. Pennsylvania Dems Re-Retake State House In Third Special Election This Year
Oh no what will become of the republic. Most Important Issue Facing Congress: Stopping John Fetterman's Body Double From Wearing Shorts At Senate
NOPE. Cassidy Hutchinson Says Rudy Celebrated Jan. 6 By Groping Her. Sounds About Right.
YES. Trump Wetting His Britches Over Going To Prison, Wearing Jumpsuit, Being Utterly Alone Forever
Well okay, if Shy was still doing these newsletters, this would have a theme and some jokes and whatnot, what ever happened to that guy? SHYYYYYYY.
Okay bye.
They again!!! Will nobody spare us from their malign influence???
Why I do not click more:
This may be unpopular. I understand the anger and fury over the great dumbass MAGA MAGGOTS and concern for the future of Democracy. I feel the same way.
However, I believe that the Democrats, liberals, progressives or what ever need to clean up their own shit and not just be mirror image of the hate of the Republicans.
Yes, the MAGAS are silly and dangerous. They appear to be totally in control of abusive, extreme capitalist and by conservative religions. Throw in the masculine toxic males who do not want to evolve and the women who aid and abet these men.
The capitalists control the Republican Party. Damn. Problem is they control the Democratic Party too. As long as the Dems and MAGGOTS war with each other, they do not address the systemic abuse in this country by the haves over the have nots. (Don’t want to hear about the rights of the workers, the poor, or anyone else since rights are only those things defined by law and we all know who writes the laws and for the benefit of whom.)
The Dems need to clean up their own shit:
1. Why have the senate Dems not investigated Jared Kushner’s Saudi deals?
2. Why are the Dems not investigating corrupt Supreme Court Judges?
3. Did Nancy Pelosi’s husband do insider trading with information provided by Nancy and why are congresspersons exempt from insiders trading laws?
4. Why hasn’t Feinstein resigned? Do we want a party ruled by wealthy octogenarians?
5. Why did Biden allow continued bullshit attacks on Anita Hill during her hearings?
6. Why is Biden continuing to block the full release of the Warren Commission investigations?
7. Why do Dems not own up to creating much of anger and fury by many workers by not helping them in any meaningful way as they (Clinton) allowed their jobs to be shipped to China?
I could go on and on. It is my experience that the cafe Latte liberals I know are just--well, not quite--as silly as the MAGGOTS. Yes, I use ad hominem towards MAGASAs I see them as an existential threat to this country in the short run. However, I see the Dem corruption and the lack of action to be long term cancers for this country, a cancer that attacks and destroys the people of this country slowly but painfully.
As I said, my concerns may be unpopular. They can be attacked. They can be ignored. I can be disparaged. But one final question, how is this internecine fighting and name calling helping to solve the countries problems?